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Attacks to the DEI assuming a level playing field that is not available and America’s future welfare

February celebrates the history of black, the legacy, struggles and contributions came a time for the legacy and victories of the black Americans that form the foundation of our nation. However, as we remember this history, we face an open paradox: turn back simultaneously as the initiatives of diversity, capital and entered).

Thank you for talking in 2016, former President Barack Obama wrote, but it was not a straight line, but it’s not because people like you and lead our country to our highest ideals. “

This reminder is critical: the progress is not a linear and capital, once developed, never guaranteed.

In the last year, we witnessed the withdrawal of the agreed with the obligations. In many countries, legislative protests, racial conscious education and target corporate deI programs have limited the corporate deI programs redirected as an economic imperative, but divided concept. While Some companies have resistedOthers calm down political decline or public feelings, the variety of variety of priorities, which are prioritizing their priorities for peripheral projects.

This trend is not only a spiritual failure – it is not an economic incorrect calculation.

Why do dei issues

Capital is not charity. This is not a good initiative or social attitude strategy. Capital is a growth strategy. When you dismantle obstacles from the opportunity, we open human potential and expand economic productivity.

Review the picture $ 3.1 trillion. According to my research, if the participation of labor force, salary participation, wages and gender gaps in salaries and leadership, this is the potential US GDP growth

Such numbers are not only statistics – represent abducted economic opportunities. We are capitaline, we are economic growth.

This issue is more than the intersection of this issue, competition and gender, special for black bread mothers.

More than 1982 51% of all black American homes with children By the age of 18, the baker leads his mothers. This means black women support themselves and future generations. However, despite the important role of economic stability, they are disproportionate from the erosion of payment gaps, business bias and deI initiatives.

  • Black women are already facing a pair of wages 66 kopecks For each dollar who has won the white, non-Hispanic men. However, any woman in the workforce in black bread nuts has the largest sexual payment space: 44 cents About the dollars of Begwinner fathers.
  • Black mothers Face higher unemployment rates more than white mothers when they have the same qualities. Black women after Covid-19 pandemia higher proportions lost jobs and more slowly employment was restored. According to the January 10 job report, there is still 246,000 black women Missing the workforce since the top of the pandemic.
  • Vocation Includes discounts that are limited to many black mothers, paid vacations, health and discounts that are limited to benefits. These are not individual failures, but structural obstacles.
  • $ 30,000-It’s the only bread cooking median household income for black mothers

If we cannot resolve such differences, we are actively investing in economic progress. A society developed by the Black Breadwinner Moms is a society developed by the economy.

Civil rights classes

Black History Month is not just the reflection of the past; It is a call for action for today. Civil rights victories of the 1960s were met with severe resistance, but today they put the groundwork for many opportunities. History shows us that progress is often retreated. Now the thing we live is to dismantle the deI efforts, it was not visible. Discount systems are an example of a predictable when under threat.

But here’s the lesson: Progress has never been a passive accumulation of time. This is intentionally, often concerned, the result of the action. Voting Right Movement He did not pass, because the nation “naturally developed”. People have protested, they rose their lives and passed because they refused to accept the status quo.

Framed as DEI divide

Under the name of “Colorblindlik” or “Meritocracy”, the return of DEI initiatives does not ignore true structural obstacles. Each level includes a level of playing area where there is any. Review Race Wealth Gap: Median Wealth of White Families in the United States 10 times from black families. This difference is not the result of individual choices, but system inequality, discrimination, unequal entrance, education continues to form economic results today.

Black Americans only hold 4.7% of the total US totalAlthough the population is 13.6% – almost 9 percent point. Differences are deepening when there is factoring in sex: Black women with bachelor’s degrees earn little How are some college, but how much is the economic consequences of races and sex from no degree, more than white men.

When we allowed the DEI to be divided into the framework, we have closed the optional fake profit of capital. But capital is not optional. Democracy and capitalism are the basis. Without it, we restrict our workforce and violate global competitiveness.

Apply the deI

This climate is an easy choice to retreat – silently in the face of legal problems or political pressure silently. But leadership is not relevant; About dare. Business leaders depend only on our economic future not only for spiritual reasons.

Here’s what the leaders should do:

  1. Follow the shutdown of payment gaps: Black women earn 34% less than white men About $ 1 million lost wages a lifetime. Companies must eliminate salary discrepancies and apply transparent salary practices.
  2. Diversify the leadership pipelines: We have seen the analysis of information from the pipeline research, and all women of the promotional cavity for black women are twice. Black women should be promoted in fair degrees and give the same access to leadership education and sponsorship as peers.
  3. Performance Controls Control Companies Companies should use inclusive, AI-driven, data-supported performance and potential review processes reduce bias and increase objectivity.
  4. Provide paid leave for Black Begwinner Moms: Finished 51% of black households With the children, the baker is led by moms, but more than one third has no access to more than a third. Guarantee Paid caregiver leave important.
  5. Keep Executors accountable

For almost 250 years, we must ask ourselves to great experience of American democracy: Will we maintain capital light or we will turn it off?

The future we build depends on the choices we do today. As a baker mother, gender economist and design, as a lawyer, I know: Let’s choose progress. Not because it is easy, but because it is an economic necessity.

The ideas commented on are only the opinions of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of luck.

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