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Backend game engine Pragma levels up player engagement tracking with FirstLook acquisition

A rear game engine that is used in many great games like Destiny 2, the first image of the first image, which manages and tracking the player engagement information and has obtained a player’s function that follows.

PractCook community management integration added to the background of Pragma, developers, as an example, you can use steam buttons and third party tools without the need. According to the pragma, it includes the compilers in humans, square enix and more.

“The best games and the most successful, not just well-built; are supported by passionate communities that grow with orchard, virality, quality effective icons and more,” he said. “Bringing the firstLook to the pragma ecosystem, the studios do not need to break down the broken solutions to deal with players.

Theory will help developers developing games in early entrances or bets to communicate better with audiences with audience with audience. Minute reviews can be obtained quickly, the first image of the first image is going smoothly. For pragma, it gives additional value to use the engines, which is also trying to overcome service headers with things like war rooms and monitoring.

Not shown when integrated into pre-praguma’s back engine.

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