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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
In the central part of the capital of Bangladesh, hundreds of protests are louder than a corner corner, March and gang ends for a steep increase in the activities and a violent crime.
It was the second rally as the young people were spilled into the streets to make dissatisfaction with the country’s leadership.
“I came to protest the wide rape in the country,” said Aninita Biswas, after allegedly harassed a two-year-old girl in West Bangladesh last weekend.
The previous Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was overturned and 15 years of authorized authority, the previous Prime Minister of Bangladesh, who came after the bloody student leadership revolution, ended and another protest.
This time, the injured in the protests in July last July were greeted by the security forces by security forces, resulting in Hasina’s helicopter to neighed to India.
“I need help to get the right treatment for the bullet wound,” said Rickshaw driver Mohammad Yagub Ali, showed the scars passed by the leg of the bullet.
Each objection has the strongest message for the temporary government of the country of the country led by 84-year-old Mohammad Yunus, the temporary government of the Nobel Prize for Microfinance to help the poor. He returned to Dhaka to lead Dakadeş’s passage after the transition protests, and fulfilling the demand from students who pushed the change.
The country was killed and the crowd had been confused in several weeks after firing the crowd with more than 1,400 people.
Severe pressure from the Hasina government charged with corruption and systemic repressing for a long time, according to the United Nations, the amount of crimes against humanity can be made. In a report released in February, the UN investigators found that 13 percent of the dead were children.
The initial sense of euphoria and relief, which welcomes Jonah’s appointment, faded seven months later. The government struggles to fight illegal protests, which approaches illegal protests, with a slow pace of security, fighting many lawsuits in Bangladesh.
“I regretted our state,” he said.
Some police officers refuse to show for work, “People Gi-” leads more crime and gang activities.
Alam told CBC News that the expectations seized by the Bangladeshi for rapid change, real reforms against a bureaucratic system because of almost impossible.
“All thinks that the intermittent government will go for a year. Why should we keep their dictators?” A 27-year-old child said he described the country’s political parties, bureaucrats and police officers.
“This is a reality. This is a reality from the police, bureaucracy and corporations,” he said.
“Us, the temporary government is weak.”
Yunus, after the rule of Hasina, promised to restore the law and order to the government, because the government took part in the government.
Human rights commissions were established in which the former regime’s political rivals were arrested and tortured and were tortured and further investigated.
The elderly police officers were also arrested for emergency murders, and Hasina fight hundreds of charges, including killings, humanity and abduction crimes. Denies the charges.
Yunus again convinced the former Prime Minister to face justice, and if Hasina hides in India, relations between the two countries are tense.
The DAKAN’s decision for the Indian extradition did not meet two detention and official desires.
“If a trial issue ‘is not’. This will happen in correspondence or His presence,” Yunus Sky News. “All people who are not just with him, not all the people related to him: family members, his clans, his comrades and all oligarchs.”
He said the country would hold elections between December this year and December 2026, but ensures reforms to make sure the voting is free and fair.
Under the intermediate government, continuous instability, the fragile economy of Bangladesh, also affects another connection with double inflation.
The last morning, a government truck, which sells oil, rice and grain on the side of the roadside roadside, and a government truck in the roadside subsidy and discounted food is too much.
One woman said he was waiting for four hours in Khadija, CBC news, but with his 16-month-old baby, he had to protect his place and leave his place without cheaper rations.
Yunus, the head of the Bangladeshi army, said in a sharp speech in February 25, in a sharp speech, divided policies and riots. He said that Bangladesh was “in the case of anarchy.”
“I warn you,” said Bengali. “The independence and sovereignty of this country are at risk,” the confusion continues.
General called on Yunus to protect the promise of the election until the end of the year.
Hasina’s overthrow students have now created a political party and promise to shake the political view of the country’s HASina’s Avami League and the Bangladesh League and the Bangladeshi Nationalist Party and the political view of the family dynasties.
“We are working for a relevant democratic transformation,” said Hasnat Abdullah, one of the most recognizable faces from the front line of 26, July.
“The people will have our best priority – what people really want.”
His colleague, 33-year-old Samanta Shergileen, the student led by the student is a new mint press secretary of Nagorik or National Citizens Party.
“The Democratic system of Bangladesh is not working. It is not democratic. Thus, people of Bangladeshi struggle,” he said.
Nahid Islam Nahid Islam, who left his duty to help start the party, said he did not think that it was possible to have a free and fair national elections, taking into account the existing security issues.
After the loss of one of the loved ones in the protests of July, it is not the most pleasant news for many months and grieving.
The Rahman’s family still adapts its new reality, and Mugdho died last July to the largest of the three boys.
The brothers suffered evidence and CCTV images in the last minutes of his younger brother when water and cookies were removed from the protesters in the protesters.
“I still learn how to live my life without it,” said Mugdho’s same twins, Snigdho Rahman.
“Mugdho was not just my twin brother, I was my best friend. We said everything.”
Brothers spent many hours trying to donate compensation for the families of the victims.
“We are trying to fulfill their unfinished dreams.”
Snigdho Rahman CBC told CBC reports that she could hope her brother’s death and hundreds of other victims.
“This gives you a motivation that has time to make everything to make everything and make a bright future for our country,” he said.
“Our future generation cannot give their lives like us. Just like Mugdo.”
After a month, the Prime Minister of Bangladesh after the violent riots Sheikh Hasina resigned and fled to the country. Andrew Chang explains that the government has become a massive and fatal action that destroys the government at the end of the protests he led over a government work quota.