Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Best Internet Providers in Knoxville, Tennessee

CNET recommends AT & T fiber As the best Internet Provider in Knoxville. Knoxville does not have a lack of high-speed internet options, selecting the Gigabit speed, including six providers.

To determine the best Internet providers in Knoxville, our team evaluates speeds, price, customer service and total value. We are holding spot checks in local addresses to confirm availability, consider the comprehensive review of the information and contact the ISPS directly when needed to check details.

It should be noted that the following prices, speed and other information provided and the following provider cards may differ from our investigations. The cards show the price and speed of a provider according to our database, according to our database of the price and speed of a provider’s price and speed, directly provided by ISP. At the same time, the text is specific to those available in Knoxville. The prices referred to within the text of this article are coming from our research and discounts applied for automatic payments every month – a standard industry proposal. Other discounts and promotions may also be available for things as to give a contract or connect with a mobile phone plan.

Take full visit to learn more about how we reviewed Internet providers Methodology page.

The best internet providers in Knoxville

There are surprisingly high quality internet providers to choose Knoxville residents. According to FCC Mapping Information99.75% of the city can download at least 250 Mbit / s loading and purchase of 25Mbps loading and 97% to 1000 / 100Mbps.

Review of Knoxville Internet Providers

Tax Internet technology Monthly price range Speed ​​range Monthly equipment costs Information Contract CNET review account
AT & T fiber
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Fiber $ 65- $ 255 300-5,000MBPS Nobody Nobody Nobody 7.4
Knoxville Utility Board Fiber 65- $ 300 1.000-10,000MBPS $ 15 (optional) Nobody Nobody Na
T-Mobile Home Internet
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Secret $ 50 ($ 35 with matching mobile plans) 72-245MBPS Nobody Nobody Nobody 7.4
Verizon 5G Home Internet
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Secret $ 50- $ 70 ($ 35-50 on mobile) 100-3000MBPS Nobody Nobody Nobody 7.2
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Cable $ 30 – $ 95 300-1,200MBPS Nobody Unrestricted Nobody 7.2
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Cable $ 35- $ 95 150-1,200Mbps $ 15 (optional) 1.25tb-unlimited Optional To 7

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Source: CNET analysis of provider data

How many members of your house use the Internet?

Other existing Knoxville residential internet providers

  • Knoxville Utility Board: The cube would be a good controversy in Knoxville, which offers three fibrous Internet plans in Knoxville, which was available for more people in the municipality. Currently, only 13% of Knoxville residents can get it, but it says it will be available Every home in the city until 2028.
  • Satellite Internet: Knoxville you can get satellite internet at every address, but there is no need for. Hughesnet and viaZat The traditional satellite provider in the region is two of the two steep prices, greedy information caps and slow speeds. Starlink It is a new choice that allows you to better speed and delay, but high monthly prices and advanced equipment costs.
  • Verizon 5G Home Internet: Like T-Mobile Home Internet, Verizon uses a 5G wireless network to provide an internet connection. T-Mobile offers speed faster, but only 18% of Knoxville residents are currently only 18%.

Knoxville Home Internet Service Price Information

Compared to other cities of the area, Knoxville offers very cheap Internet plans. Both WoW and Xfinity, despite the price increase with both providers, have some of the cheapest startup prices you can find anywhere in the country. Verizon and T-Mobile have low startup prices – especially if you add a mobile phone plan to match the Mix.

The cheapest Internet plans in Knoxville

Tax Starting price Maximum download speed Monthly equipment fee Contract/
Xfinity Internet Essentials Plus
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$ 30 150Mbps $ 15 (optional) Nobody
Xfinity connection
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$ 35 ($ 45 a year later) 150Mbps $ 15 (optional) Nobody
WOW Internet 300
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$ 30 ($ 40 after a year) 300Mbps Nobody Nobody
Set up more than xfinity
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$ 3 ($ 45 a year later) 300Mbps $ 15 (optional) Nobody
T-Mobile Home Internet
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$ 50 ($ 35 with matching mobile plans) 318MBPS Nobody Nobody
Verizon 5G Home Internet
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$ 50 ($ 35 with the appropriate phone plan) 300Mbps Nobody Nobody

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Source: CNET analysis of provider data

How fast is Knoxville Broadband?

Knoxville has a shocking extent option in the area, 12 different plans reach the speed of download from 1,000Mbps. For comparison, Nashville There is seven Gig speed plan, Charlotte five and Asfeville There are four. In the symmetrical speed, 10,000Mbps, Knoxville Utilities, offers the fastest Internet plans you can find everywhere in the whole country.

Fastest Internet Plans in Knoxville

Tax Maximum download speed Maximum download speed Starting price Information Contract
Knoxville Utilities Board Gig 10 10.000MBPS 10.000MBPS $ 300 Nobody Nobody
AT & T Internet 5000
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5000Mbps 5000Mbps $ 255 Nobody Nobody
Knoxville Utilities Board Gig 2.5 2,500Mbps 2,500Mbps $ 150 Nobody Nobody
AT & T Internet 2000
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2000MBPS 2000MBPS $ 155 Nobody Nobody
Wow 1.2 Gig
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1,200mb / s 50Mbps $ 95 ($ 105 a year later) Nobody Nobody
Xfinity Gigabit
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1,100Mbps 170MBPS $ 60 1.2TB Two years
Knoxville Utilities Board Gig 1.000MBPS 1.000MBPS $ 65 Nobody Nobody
AT & T Internet 1000
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1.000MBPS 1.000MBPS $ 90 Nobody Nobody
Wow 1 Gig
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1.000MBPS 50Mbps $ 60 ($ 70 after a year) 3TB Nobody
Verizon 5G Home Internet
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1.000MBPS 50Mbps $ 70 ($ 45 with selective Verizon 5G mobile plans) Nobody Nobody
Xfinity gigabit
Read the full review
1,100Mbps 170MBPS $ 60 1.2TB Two years

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Source: CNET analysis of provider data

Internet service providers are a large number and regional. Unlike most recently smartphone, laptop, versatile or kitchen instrumentIn each city, it is impossible to test every ISP in person. What is our approach? Our historical ISP information is starting to investigate information information, availability and speed information, provider sites and the Federal Communications Commission

But it doesn’t end there. We are going to the FCC website to check our data and review every ISP that provides services in an area. We also include local addresses on provider websites to find special options for residents. We consider the sources including the American customer satisfaction index and JD capacity to assess how customers are the service of ISP. ISP plans and prices are often subject to changes; All submitted information is as accurate as published.

After we have this localized information, we asked three main questions:

  • Does the provider allow access to fast internet speeds?
  • Customers receive worthy value because they pay?
  • Customers are satisfied with their services?

Although answers to these questions are often folded and complicated, the people that are closest to “Yes” are the people we recommend.

Visit our visit to investigate our process in more depth How We Test ISPs Page. Page.

What is the latest word in Internet providers in Knoxville?

Knoxville is one of the best cities for the Internet customers I cover in CNET. There are the fastest plans you can find from AT & T Fib and Knoxville Utilities board, but also the cheapest of Wow and Xfinity. You still need to pay attention to things like price increase and equipment costs, but it belongs to any city. Regardless of what you are looking for in the Internet provider, you can find it in Knoxville.

Internet providers in Knoxville FAQ

What is the best internet service provider in Knoxville?

AT & T fiber is the best Internet provider in Knoxville. Fast symmetrical speeds, appropriate prices and have the highest customer satisfaction scores of any national Internet provider. Wow and XFinity are good backup options, but in a year after a year, the slow load speeds and prices are increasing after a year (and after the most xFimity plans after two years). T-Mobile Home is a solid choice for homes with one or two people, but more can push it.

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Is there a fibrous Internet in Knoxville?

Yes, fibrous internet is available in Knoxville. AT & T offers no contract or data caps or data caps and fibrous internet in the city to the city of 5000MB / s. The Knoxville Utilities board offers fibrous internet plans at the same time, but currently available in only 13% of addresses in Knoxville.

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Who is the cheapest Internet provider in Knoxville?

Wow, the cheapest internet provider in Knoxville, 300 / 20Mbps are prices starting at $ 30 per month. Xfinity also offers 150Mbps speed per month to $ 35 per month. With both providers, the price is growing in the second year (and third third).

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Knoxville Which Internet Provider offers the fastest plan?

The fastest Internet plan available in Knoxville, by the Knoxville Utilities plate, is offered at the speed of 10,000Mbps of symmetrical $ 10,000 per month. AT & T fiber also offers a symmetrical 5000Mbp speed for $ 255 per month.

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