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Block reportedly lays off almost 1,000 employees

The block came out of 931 employees who make up eight percent of all employees Techcrunch and Guardian. Publications, financial technologies discussed co-founder and CEO, Jack Dorsey, the latest organizational changes. Dorsey said the roles based on three areas, starting from the strategy of the block, he said. The company allows 391 to go to 391, because “strategy cut teams” reduces. The following rating or internal performance tracking is also allocated with 460 employees with “Below” in the dimensions.

Finally, the bloc rejected the elimination of the middle management of the average management between 80 managers, as well as 193 individuals and high-ranking cartridges and now withdrawal to replace the target or employees with artificial intelligence. He said that everything was related to the strategy, and his org will allow it to “move with faster and less abstraction. CEO will definitely have the company’s capital and reorganization of the company’s capital” [it] Focus and just execute better to do it. “The block has stock prices roar About 30 percent this year.

Dorsey said that the company had released about 1,000 employees instead of time, instead. “We must act to help us meet and move the moment of transformation in the industry,” he said. In addition to the river, the block closes previously 748 open workplaces, and only key leadership and critical roles are opened together with the advancing to offer a clear stage. Also the block of square and cash apps re-organized At the beginning of 2024. He returned about 1,000 people, but also to make the company lean and limit its headlines to 12,000 employees. Like Techcrunch Notes, the block had 11,300 employees in the world by December 2024, 11,300 employees, which in 2023 is under the original goal.

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