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Bosnian Peace Messenger, Serbian Regional leaders said he was trying to search the country the country | Courts News

Christian Schmidt, ‘Dayton calls on all the activities that violate the peace agreement immediately.

The International High Representative for Bosnia has accused the political leaders of the Autonomous Serbian region to want to stabilize the country after the legislation against the Bosnian national police and trial.

Republika Srpska, chaired by the State Court, approved the legislation of the Republic Srpska, banned the separatist leader Milorad Dodi for six years after politics and He sentenced him to a year in prison To refuse to comply with the decisions made by Christian Schmidt, the high representative.

Separatist Gamit can trigger a constitutional crisis in the post-ethnic partition bosnia.

In 1992-95, the 1992-95 war, the 1992-95 people who killed more than 100,000 people and the Bosnian Muslims, accused the political leaders who committed the state political leaders in the state.

Dayton Bosnia is divided into two autonomous region: Muslim-Croatian Federation and Serbian Republika Srpska.

A weak-central government unites these regions under a high representative, which is the ability to fire important powers, including political leaders.

On Friday, Schmidt called Bosnia and Herzegovina Dayton’s Dayton peace agreement and immediate suspension of all activities violating the constitution and legal order.

“These actions of the ruling coalition in Republika Srpska, trying to stabilize the institutions of the State Constitutional Duties,” he said.

After signing legislation suspending the decisions of the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Schmidt, Didik was accused of 2023, and thus violated the peace agreement.

Dodi, who called for a long time to wish for a long time and establish a unity with neighboring Serbia, and called on the court to vote for the state police and judiciary in the Autonomous Serbian Republic.

“We think that this is for us to do this without using force,” Diddik, said that the region has reunited reforms and ensure state judgment, police and military operations, police and military operations, police and military operations.

After the vote on Thursday, the chairman of the Bosnia Serbian Parliament Nenad Stevandic, 49 of the 52 deputies in Parliament supported the legislation.

However, Prime Minister of the Muslim-Croatian region of Bosnia Nermin Niksic hit Dodi’s push on Friday to ban the country’s institutions.

“I am not ready to continue the ongoing political cooperation with all these talks and all these actions against the Constitution, the Dayton peace agreement and the state were suspended and canceled. Nicky in social media.

Bosnian Muslims, Denis Beirovic, Denis Beirovic, Denis Beirovic, Denis and Republika Srpska officials, said he was “attacked by the country’s constitutional order.”

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