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Bosnian-Serbian leader, was sentenced to prison in Landmark court

A six-year ban on a single-year imprisonment and the holding of the State Office may seem to be a serious punishment of a politician.

However, the Bosnia-Serbian leader Milorad Dodik, Bosnia and Herzegovina’s court ruled.

The chairman of the country’s major-Serbian Republic Srpska region, Banja Luke’s rally in the region, the supporters are “no reason to worry,” he said.

According to him, it was “nonsense” on charges of ignoring the decisions of the International High Representative.

Diddik said, “He learned to engage in more difficult things,” and called the people to “be cheerful” in the republic Srpska’s de facto.

The verdict was a culmination of a long-lasting confrontation between Dodik and Bosnia and Herzegovina, the International High Representative for the Christian Schmidt.

Schmidt has been a higher organization in Bosnia for 30 years since the Dayton Agreement, which ends the Bosnian war of the 1990s.

The high representative has the power to impose or cancel laws and officials from judges to political leaders.

The former owner of the past, former Liberal Democrats, Former Liberal Democrats, came together in 2004 about 60 Bosnian-Serbian officials and war criminals.

Bosnia’s international supporters have been lowered to the powers of a high representative office after the hope of working together to create a viable and prosperous country of local leaders.

The strategy did not succeed. ETNO-nationalist leaders are divided into two “institutions” – a country in a country where majority-Serbian Republika Srpska and Federation are basically Bosniaks and Croats.

The Central Government is weak – and there is little stimulus for parties for cooperation. Instead, their leadership philosophy is simple and interested in self-interest: division, rule and earnings.

As a result, the country fights a low-wage, slow economy and a continuous economy and constant immigration flow by a better future talented man.

“All ethnies are united because of their leaders of Bosnians,” he said, “Toby Vogel, co-founder of the Democratization Policy Council.

“They do not vote for these people, but it is almost impossible to form politicians and parties from society.”

Instead, leaders such as Didik spend time. The leader of the SNSD party previously served the Serb of the National Presidency, and was the first time in 1998, he became the Prime Minister of the Srpska Republic.

The permanent theme of his leadership was in danger of being the separation of the Serbian region.

Dindik and the government seized consistently to shake Bosnia’s national institutions, delete armed forces, judiciary and tax system for the application of a number of laws to withdraw.

As a result, such efforts have taken a high representative and canceled the security legislation.

Christian Schmidt warned that the conflict was possible, but “others warned that there would be no sort of peace, stability and demolition of progress (decades).

Dindik appeared as a problem. He confirmed a law that he declared that he did not know the sentences of Schmidt’s sentences. The high representative has already canceled the legislation and made a crime to contradict their decisions.

This caused the Prosecutor’s Office of the Bosnian-Serbian leader – the prosecutors called for a maximum of five years in prison and a 10-year ban on the selected office. Diddik warned that if the guilty would be “radical measures”.

His faith has not yet brought any fireworks. At this point, Dogik insists will not apply. Instead, the Republic of Republika Srpska offers legislation to withdraw from the court once again, including the sinful judgment.

However, Dodik faces problems outside the borders of Bosnia. The United States and the United States and his family affected sanctions on corruption – threatened Bosnia and Herzegovina’s relations and relations with Russia.

Toby Vogel believes that the Bosnian-Serbian leader is more likely to threaten the court’s convict.

“It will strengthen confrontation with a high representation,” he says. “But Dogik can escape the road.”

“He is running out of cash to pay a swollen control and no longer collect money in international markets. Thus, it is a really deep problem.”

None of this will have a lot of comfort for Bosnia and Herzegovina. Like Didik, ethno continues to endure those who promised the well-being promised by ethno nationalists. This shows how far the prospects of the last court of judgment.

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