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Britain’s Mimi Rhodes First Ladies European Tour Beader – Ford Women’s NSW Open – Full event in the fourth event | Golf News

Mimi Rhodes of England, Ford Women’s first-time member of the NSW, the first ladies in the fourth event closed the European Tour title.

Rhodes, 23, Sunday, a bird, two and four years old, two and a quarter of a bird, Australia’s Wollongong, Australia in a period of several years old to complete the tournament in Australia, reached two years old.

Somerset-borne player hit the course record during the second round – in a row three times, twice as many as 62 and 62 years of age to 62 years old.

This title of Rhodes was combined behind this title, including Curtin Rose, Justin Rose, Justin Rose Telegraph and NCAA Division I Women’s Golf Championships, Belgium Manon De Roey.

Champagne Champagne Planning ‘Shock Shock’

An incident in the Australian Women’s Classic of the last week, an event earned by De Roey, said: “I live in a shock, but I am very happy. I worked hard.

“I had a hard week last week (I missed the cut cut in the coffs port), I went through a swing change and openly worked! I’m just happy.

“I was fine in the front, but I got tightened, a little stressed. I breathed and I was in the center of attention. It’s difficult in these situations.

“We will be a few champagne to celebrate I spend the night with family and friends in Sydney!

One by one for the Swiss Metraux

Italy’s Alessandra Fanali and home player Kirsten Rudgeley, the second place with the second place with each other – a shot walked in a shot – it was forced to fall in five 18 after hitting his tee.

Fanali, O and Rudgeley ended in 15 of the 15th, Bogey and the fourth of the Czech Republic hit a better one of the fourth Sara Kouskova.

Switzerland Kim Metraux, Spain Blanca Fernandez and Nuria Ituriosis and the Sweden’s fifth place in the fifth place in the fifth place in the fifth place in the fifth place in the fifth place, celebrated a hole in a hole in a hole.

The season has a week vacation for the ladies before the season starts in South Africa since April 3 of the season.

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