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Call of Duty Black Ops 6 Double XP Weekend Dates Announced

Do you still try to grind the season 2 battle passage? Black Ops 6 Developer Treyarch has a back of a new pair XP weekend. This event will increase the “fourth nutrition”, which exploded through the reputations of the players, and the “fourth nutrition” will pass a slightly rare gobles and pass through the season 2 battle crossings. The latest double XP runs over the weekend Friday March 28, March 31 Monday.

Anyone playing black ops 6 will win the universal double player XP, double weapon XP and double gobblegum, a pair of gobblegum applied to their accounts during the event. This double XP weekend helps players grind the players more quickly, increasing XP in double battle crossing Black Ops 6 Season 2 winds.

Double weapons XP, season 2 will help players more than 2 shadow hunt rifles from PPSH-41 SMG and TR2 Marxman Rifle, and the new dead drop, changed chaos and Quacknarok GoBlegums.

Here’s everything you need to know about this double XP weekend.

Double XP begins when the weekend calls call: Black ops 6?


During the event, the players will take advantage of double players and weapons XP and double gobblegum drops.


This double XP starts weekend Friday March 28, at 1 o’clock.

Double XP isn’t sure when you live for the weekend for you? When this event begins in your time zone:

  • Do: On the 1st March 28
  • CT: On the 28th March 12
  • Mt: 28th March at 11
  • Pt: March 28 at 10

If possible, the game is worth the game before your session – every Black Ops 6 will require the update to download new content and restart the application.

When the Double XP Weekend ends with a call of duty: Black Ops 6?

Some pairs of XP “weekends” are longer than the lastest events that lasted five to seven days. It’s not the most recent event. This double XP will end the weekend Monday, March 31. Your double XP verses will unlock this time again.

Here the double XP will end in your weekend time zone:

  • Do: On March 31, 1
  • CT: On March 31,
  • Mt: On March 31st 11
  • Pt: On March 31,

Is the Duty Warzone call this weekend double XP?


Warzone players will be able to win the XP and double weapon XP during the event.


Duty Warzone’s call has a double XP weekend that works in tandem with black ops 6. It will also be able to benefit from the XP and double weapon XP of Warzone players.

New players have a chance to make the weapons they have unlocked New and Improved Warzone WeaponAnd and returning players, the black ops added to Warzone can continue to unlock new additions for 6 gun sets.

Black Ops 6 pairs XP FAQ

Is there a double battle passage of XP this weekend?

No, this weekend has no double battle crossing. The Double XP weekend, players can win double goblemums in game mode in double player XP, double weapons XP and zombies.

What happens in the twin XP verses in the double XP weekend?

You can’t use double XP weekend double XP tokens. The event is locked for the duration and any pair of XP you set in your account is frozen until the double XP ends the weekend. CNET, Black Ops 6 pairs of XP have a complete guide here.

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