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ChatGPT for macOS can now directly edit Xcode projects

Chatgpt on Macos It’s about to be more useful for coding. The latest update for the application (Version 1.2025.057), ChatGPT can now fix the code within an integrated development environment – no need to copy and pastes. Find a full list of supported identities Openai websiteHowever, some of the more attention are the offshocks of Apple’s own Xcode, visual code studio and Android studio and Pycharm.

According to Openai, the IDE integration was one of the most required features of MacOS users since the company released the “application” framework within the framework of the “application” frame. If you have a PLUS, PRO or Team subscriber, you can start using integration today. As for enterprise, edu and free users, look for an updated application to come next week.

Maybe not surprising that this feature is only “vibej“Enters the popular lexicon.Vibe coding is the future“Managing partner Jared Friedman at the WRD Cominator, a quarter of the starting accelerator, the W25 cohort, which has 95 percent created by AI, said.

“It’s not a fad. This is not a dominant way of code. If you do not, Garry Tan, YS Combinator’s CEO Garry Tan.

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