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Citigroup Briefly Makes Customer the Richest Person in History With Mistaken $81 Trillion Transfer

Last year, an employee in Citigroup began to transfer a fund at the expense of a customer that converted the richest person in the history of man’s existence. In April last year, the incident was $ 81 trillion ($ 280) instead of the amount provided by a client ($ 280), primarily financial times declare.

Citigroup itself has only $ 150 billion on market capitalization and is only about $ 27 trillion in all US GDP. The European Union’s GDP is about $ 17 trillion. China GDP is about 18 trillion dollars. Thus, the amount of transfer to be clear would be more money than most developed worlds. It is planned to buy the bank and unfortunately, the customer to keep the customer (not available so far)

It is not clear that the person encourages the transfer. In connection with the Federal Reserve and Currency Comproving Office, Citi expressed an insult to the incident as “Miss” as “Miss”. There are no ft reports, no funds from the bank.

In fact, “near misses” is quite a lot and has a formal category of goodbye in the banking industry. According to the FT report, this applies to the events that are not inappropriate for regulatory verification.

Events in a total of 10 near misses – when a bank It processes the wrong amount, but as a result, Citi’s Citi is $ 1 billion or more in Citi, as a result of an internal report seen by FT, can eventually restore money. This figure was slightly less than the previous year. Citi refused to comment on this wider set of broader events. Near Misses, the regulators do not have to be informed, ie these events do not have comprehensive public information about how often these events occur throughout the sector. Several former regulators and bank risk managers said they were near misses with more than $ 1 billion throughout the banking industry.

As a result, the automated systems in the bank were responsible for the suspension of impossible mass transfer, two human employees first missed Gargantuan’s cash flow. A third worker finally caught the wind so that about 90 minutes after the transfer started, followed something about 90 minutes. “Although a payment of this size is not actually implemented, our detective controls immediately identified the entrance error between the two Citi Ledger account and compiled in entrances” Told the New York Times.

Times, Citi’s previously recorded mass fuckups. A few years ago an accounting error for a trade inspired a large sales of a large-selling shares in Europe, which is worth $ 322 billion. So much significant economic chaos, to cause Citigroup $ 79 million was fined.

Gizmodo has reached Citigroup for comment and responds to this story will update this story.

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