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Clicks brings its BlackBerry-style keyboard case to Android phones

Click it brings BlackBerry style physical keyboard Android case. Tuesday, Google Pixel, Motorola Razr + and Samsung announced the use of three new products aimed at Android users, including click keyboards.

Things are available for pre-order starting today, and first will be offered at a lower price than existing iPhone colleagues.

Pixel 9 and 9 Pro cases are available for pre-order for $ 99 by increasing the price for $ 139 after March 21.

Razr + and Samsung Galaxy S25 users can also get a job for $ 99 (be reduced to $ 49). After March 21, they are increasing to $ 139.

Photo credits:Click

Things have become a nostalgia for BlackBerry Physical Keypads. Click to sell more than 100,000 iPhones in more than 100,000 countries, after It’s 2024.

However, Apple devices are not formed as short, wide and hole blackberries, because the iPhone work may be unfavorable. The weight of the work and the iPhone is combined, trying to catch a part of users, when they continue to turn, they can feel like they are struggling with users.

Clikes admit that the work can require learning curves. The company released Help documents How to keep the phone properly. Some of those who teach the new technique have grew since today.

Clicks like iPhone cases, android keyboards include touch reviews, rear switches, keyboards shortcuts, microfibre interior, USB-C charging (wireless charging for pixel devices) and more for things) and more.

There is also a fellow application to save user options.

Cases of pixels are in small cases (bright yellow) and onyx (black) and in late April.

Photo credits:Click

Razr + cases are electric (bright blue) and onyx and on the ship in onyons and May.

Cases in Galaxy S25 are on the pinot (red) and onyx in June.

Photo credits:Click

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