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Crunchyroll Game Vault Adds This Otome Game and Others in March

Makeup about women Half of all playersHowever, about 15% of characters There are women in games. But Otome games Pay full attention to women. These are the story-based romance games you play as a female hero. Aimed at a goal of these games is a romanticism of another character, and Crunchyloll has recently added Odeme title to the game tone.

Anime flow service Dwarf Announced that two mobile games added on Wednesday Crunchyroll game Plans to add another by the library and the end of March. Crunchyroll game vault offers more than many games like mega and recent subscribers The remains of the Eva and Victory heat rallyBut Crunchyoll plans to add more games – some exclusive headlines, including the end of the year.

Here, Games Crunchyloll is added to the game tone in March. You can check separately Other games Now it is available in Crunchyroll game vault.

Prince of Destiny: A War Story, a Love Story

Title card for the prince of destiny: a war story, a love story showing five male characters.


In this Otome game, the demons attacked the castle and killed everyone you know. As the demons are preparing to kill you, the castle is a contract to return in time to save the castle with the help of the five heroic figure in the war of the Japanese history. Romance novels or manga, depth or stories of Japan’s history, you should check this visual novel game.

Ys i chronicles

The header card for YS i, chronicles showing six different characters and ruins in a grassy area.


This classic activity RPG was released more than 30 years ago and subscribers can live on a mobile phone. After a storm around the island, you play as Adol Kristin, who set off to reveal what is happening in Esteria land. Grotesque will fight with monsters, you will open the secrets hundreds of years ago and you will figure out what happens to Esteria.

YS II Chronicles

After playing YS i Chronicles, you can continue adventure in this series. This game is survived from the place where the original is left. In a search of a search to unravel the secrets of ancient civilization, you will once again control Adol Kristin in the Battle of Battle.

What you need to know about the Crunchyroll game

That is How to access games at Crunchyroll If you are a mega or last subscriber:

1. Open the Crunchyroll application.
2. Go to the Crunchyloll game Vault section.
3. Tap the game you want to download or you will be taken to the game page in the Apple’s App Store or Google Play Store.
4. Then download the game as you have any applications.

CRUNCHYROLL has launched Crunchyroll game vault in 2023 Mega and like an extra perk for the latest subscribers. The service, like a fighting game River City Girls and Puzzle game, so much so much more Looking for Hime and Exzeus: Full collection.

Crunchyroll is one of the latest video streaming services to offer the game with subscriptions. Especially Netflix In 2021, he began to offer their subscribers. All Netflix subscribers, only the best two crunchylll subscription plans – mega and ultimate, but fan – the FanChyroll allows you to access the game tone.

There are some games here for more game news Xbox game passage, Playstation Plus and Apple Arcade.

See that: Problems with Windows Gaming Hands are Windows: Tech Therapy

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