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Daylight Saving Time Affecting Your Health? Light Therapy Can Help

The clocks have moved once again and the sun sinks a little later. Again, many of us continue to fight seasonal sorrow at the tail of winter. If you feel tired and slow when you regulate the daylight saving time, consider using a light therapy lamp to help to reduce fatigue.

Adapting to time change can take a few days to a week and feel like we are going to write from our winter rules. However, if you feel yourself the most days for numerous cold chapters, it may not only be winter blues – can be a seasonal affective disorder (sad). This Union of American Family Physicians 4-6% of the population estimates that seasonal depression is affected by another 10 to 20% of treatment.

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What is the seasonal affective disorder?

Sad It is easily a disorder through a certain month (in the most autumn and winter) and the change of chapters. In rarely, people can be sad during spring and summer and are solved during the fall and winter period. Some people do not show interest in lethargia, low moods, no interest in things they usually enjoy, weight gain and Hypersomniya. Common Sad treatment Includes medications, psychotherapy and photopace (light therapy).

Seasonal affective disorder symptoms

Seasonal affective disorder It will appear different depending on your unique statement. General symptoms shown in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders, Aka DSM-5 – where it was called Great depressive disorder of seasonal patterns – Enter the following:

  • Feeling of sadness
  • Sleep more than usual
  • Despite adequate asleep felt tired or unusually tired
  • Sense of worthlessness or guilt
  • Carbohydrates or otherwise change the appetite
  • Loss of interest in the activity
  • Having difficulty with thinking, decision-making and concentration tasks
  • In severe cases, suicide or death thoughts

Why are some people sad?

If not a known reason for sad, Women four times That men are likely to be sad. A family history increases likely to beas having been past the great depression or bipolar disorder. Associated with not far or far or far south (where winter months are less sunlight) and are not enough Vitamin Dproduced during exposure to sunlight.

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What is Light Therapy?

Because Adequate sunlight and vitamin d seems to reduce the spread of seasonal affective disorder, Various specialty lamps This was created to provide light. Sun lampsThe “Happy Lamps” is also known, the light of 10,000 luxury (light union) provides light therapy by burning the light of UV radiation. Light therapy sitting around and stands in a standing way 20-30 minutes every day. Various color filters are also considered useful in addition to typical white light lamps.

Types of light therapy

While many sad lamps offer a full-spectrum visible light that looks white, other people have learned the effect of different colors of different colors to the seasonal affective disorder.

Blue light therapy

Although more research is needed, Showed proof The blue wavelength of the visible light is more than the length of the bright light therapy for the length, depression and mood.

Red light therapy

While Red light therapy is recognized benefit from one’s skin, In general, the seasonal affective benefits showed the seasonal affective disorder showed by blue and green light therapy. In some studies, it was related to the red light thickenIf insomnia is part of your sad symptoms, red light can be a good choice.

Green light therapy

A research that contradicts the green light therapy directly with red light therapy Green to be green. However, since the sample sizes are often small for this type of studies, it can be useful to contact your doctor to find the best hue for you.

Family with breakfast with a light therapy lamp.

Image and CO / Getty Images

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Benefits of light therapy

It can be useful for your mood to get the light like more sunlight on your days. If there is a seasonal affective disorder, there are some ways to help light therapy here.

Effective treatment for sad symptoms

The theory behind the light therapy, vitamin D and sunlight stimulating serotonin production and serotonin is important Neurotransmitter that affects the mood. It is thought to be positively affected by the regulation of your mood. Light therapy is related to short-term relief – What happens can be effective to eliminate symptoms, but will not prevent you from being sad in the long run.

Improves depression symptoms

Persons who use a light therapy report a Reducing the symptoms of depression When you receive an inventory of the symptom compared to those who do not have any interference or different light interference, it was used in such seasonal depression.

Helps sleeping

Blue light exposure device is not excellent before the energy of the device and therefore it was not excellent before sleeping Soothing, encouraging effect. If a part of your seasonal affective disorder means a part of your symptoms Struggle to go to sleepUsing the red light lamp can be useful to help passing from sleep a waking up before sleeping.

Potential risks of light therapy

Although light boxes and light therapy are generally considered safe, it is good to talk to your healthcare professional to ensure you have the right choice and minimize potential shortcomings. Potential Effects of using a light box Enter:

  • Headache
  • Irritability
  • Eye tension
  • Nausea
  • Speech Manic symptoms (If you have a bipolar disorder and exposure to light too fast)

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How to use light therapy for seasonal affective disorder

1. Talk to your doctor or mental health professional. They will require any element of your unique medical profile to be careful with a light therapy lamp.

2. If you said, the light therapy may be a good fit, and consider taking a lamp first when this option is available for you. If you can find a lamp with more than one color filter you can use them to assess what light therapy is working for you.

3. Start your light therapy with a white light lamp without 10,000 luxury and UV radiation. Put the lamp on your side and put at least one foot from your body and follow any other instructions in the operational management of a special lamp.

4. Review a 30-minute session in the morning or spread through the lamp spread over a few minutes during the day. Keeping daily thinking magazine and assess your mood can help you see how your light helps and how it helps.

5. If you take care of a psychiatrist or mental health counselor, talk to them about the benefits you receive from light therapy. There may be other suggestions to combine with other seasonal affective disorder.

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