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Death of a Unicorn Director Alex Scharfman on Crafting a Timely Dark Comedy

A24 and director Alex Scharfman is ready to shine a new light on Unicorn Lore with the release of the latest genre of Arthouse Distributor. In The death of an unicorn, Jenna Ortega (Wednesday( and Paul Rudd (Avengers: EndGame) Play a baby unicorn, a baby unicorn who can do or try or break family work with mega-rich employers, and play a girl and father who plays a daughter and father. The strange sequence of measures causes a discovery that can change the world, if negative in negative tears exit the world.

Recently sat with Scharfman to discuss the genesis of the IO9 film, together with part of the funniest actors that work today, and why it should be fantastic to laugh at today’s world.

Sabina Graves, IO9: So I’m not a unicorn fan at all, but I think you finally made me unicorn girly. That’s why I thank you.

Alex Scharfman: That’s what Jenna said. Jenna was not in unicorns. I want to say that I was in unicorns until the film began to investigate. Yes, I think people hope that people were there for a while that people were there for a while.

Io9: I get it now. They can be metal as hell. Start from the beginning. What is the rear network you have specially accepted this project? Because it’s a wild ride.

Scharfman: The idea just came to me; The landing scene is out of one type in the head and I do not know where it comes. But sometimes this kind of thing, you imagine a picture and “Where does it go?” This is naturally “where does it take?” And “What will someone do with the cars if they hit an unicor?” “What is the unicorn?” Similar, what do we bring to this as a nation?

IO9: If it imagines this happening for a daughter and his father, “Oh yes, Paul Rudd would be the father”?

Scharfman: It was not the time, not the actors or characters – it was a script. And I didn’t know what happened or where he went and what he was going; [it was] Just something standing in my mind. It took a few years to start exploring this.

IO9: Definitely. Also, a Kurt Vonnegut’nın vibes, who received fantastic elements to explain the true satire tale.

Scharfman: Can I say only a great Kurt Vonnegut NERD? And in fact in the Middle Ages there is a story about a father and son.

IO9: Yes, his unicorn hunting story.

The death of a creature of unicorn A24
© A24

Scharfman: Unicorn trap.

io9: right!

Scharfman: Yes, okay. So you know the story.

IO9: While writing this, did you think about it in fact, or was the incident?

Scharfman: It was a kind of event to be honest. I read and have a full vonnegut anthology. I read every short story he has ever written. However, this was not a one that was actively thought because of the unicorns, in fact, not a large figure in the central figure. More about the Father and Son.

IO9: Definitely considering, obviously you are a great fan of satire then. Do you think that there are grounds for making a satire movie like this, especially in real life feel like a satire every day?

Scharfman: When I started writing this, I began to celebrate as 2019. I think the fall of 2019, Knife Just came out and I was like “Oh, cool, satire”. Obviously, there are many satirists in a class comment recently. I think there was something attractive to me, I started exploring the unicorn mythology and unicorn lore, I think there is a kind of class and social structures at a certain point. The protests we face in the film, which are particularly referred to, they can bring him to the court and minions to kill a Unicorn and bring it back to him and bring it back to him.

I say, “Bring here, so I can bring it to something that I can bring something to something that I can bring to something that I can bring something to something that a person can say. I thought the story would naturally want it. When a horror in terms of the 2025 context, I think you are a horror, The fun can do both horror and satire. [They] They are genres that live well with the metaphor and I think it’s a fun opportunity to align the metaphor.

But I think I think I have a deliberate incontinent thing about the film I think because we live in meaningless times. And perhaps this is what we do at the moment, you know, we live in a period when the world’s richest man is an office in the White House; It’s all as much as it’s on the surface. Now there have been a certain decoration or norm rates since then it was covered and since he left the window. True and hopefully felt fit to do something that is Katashik, and I thought about unicorns that feel the fierce restorative justice in the moment we live.

IO9: It looks like yachts like whales! Is amazing. No, it’s so wild that this happened in this wavelength because I die from the will [Poulter’s] Petulant Tech bro performance. Because I am who I am, Wow, as we see a person like this, it has normalized, but he simply nails that role.

Scharfman: I could not agree more. I am very lucky in the film and provide his performance because it is wild and big and great, but it is very reasonable in such a human psychology, that we are very reasonable in human psychology, saying that “How do we come here?” As a society, what type of personality did we develop and develop? This unique masters of the universe, which thinks all the answers with the Millennial Man-Child Tech Bro, and all the answers with the Bravado rate.

Unicorn Jenna Ortega A24's death
© A24

IO9: Everyone who surrounds Jennan is the funniest people. So it is a kind of wild to see Richard against bonkers [E. Grant] and paul [Rudd] with a flat face. This bit with an enthoni [Carrigan] and a damn grandfather. I did not catch Jenna at first sight until he pointed out!

Scharfman: This was one of my favorite jokes; Really kills me. The film is inspired by the properties of many creatures in the 190s ’70s’, as well as classes in the sense of genre such as Luis Buñuel The destruction angel and [Robert Altman’s] Gosford Park. These films are a real ensemble movies, which is a type of ensemble that is all these characters that stand for the archetypes for something greater than themselves. Because they are in many places because they are the ensemble, they begin to be a little larger than life. This is a long time in ecosystem [of a film] It takes people to be a little larger in time and lead to this theater and this entertaining camp.

It was just fun and then Jenna was a kind of surrogate of the audience. He is our eyes and ears. We are the person we agree with their values. This was the nature of the story, [it] It was always [Jenna’s character] This strange world is in the center of the world and with these crazy people, Ridey with Leopold family and schemes. Paul’s character truly recognizes [they] Crazy, but he wants things from crazy people, so he moves so much and he is not down to the game.

IO9: Because of the creature feature aspect, to touch your inspirations, John Carpenter and Ambling for the vibes. What is the mechanics of deepening to create a unicorns of how practical and CG’s combination and how the frame you want in the story? I am very happy you didn’t hesitate to hide them.

Scharfman: I think that in a modern creature, you must provide a film to the audience, and especially a film that deliberately rediscovered. Keeping them in shade, keeping them in a fog, but in the end of the film, and spread the stairs, and enjoy saying, “We will take a good review.”

IO9: Actors moved against all these suspicious scenes?

Scharfman: It was a combination of what we did. Sometimes we had live horses in the set, and we have dolls in our sets. We really had great beautiful dolls. I love dolls; They were very fun. We use puppets if possible. In the whole process, it was as important in the whole process as important as possible, not only for actors, but to prepare actors, just want to see those who want to see them.

Of course there are vfx, but when VFX was, we had more VFX lighting headlines. The dolls would still pass the shootings that the actors knew where the creature would be and how the creature would appear in every position. They have true tacticity; There are some images that are only dolls, obviously, in the film. It is always exciting when you can figure out that a part of a puzzle of the film drawing process like this is a movie.

The death of an unicorn It opens this Friday.

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