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DeepMind’s latest AI model can help robots fold origami and close Ziploc bags

Since the debut at the end of last year, Twins 2.0 A handful of Google, including something new, went to strengthen EU mode chatBot. Now Google Deepmind uses the same technology for something more interesting. AI Laboratory on Wednesday declared The two new twin-based model says “a new generation of auxiliary robots will lay the foundation of robots.”

First, the twins are developed by Deepmind to facilitate direct control of robotics, robots. According to the company, the AI ​​systems for robots should be superior to three quality: general, interactivity and agility.

The first covers the comfort of the robot, including novel’s novel status, including those unacpocable. Interactivity, meanwhile, covers the robot’s ability to respond to people and the environment. Finally, mostly self-explanatory agility: many thinkings of people who can complete without the second thinking, covers delicate motor skills that are difficult to master robots.

“Although our previous work has made progress in these areas, the twins represent a thorough step in all three of the axes, and we are really closer to general robots,” Deepmind said.

For example, with twins robotics, supports Deepmind Aloha 2 The robot can fold Origami and close a ziploc bag. The two armed robots also understand all the instructions in the natural, daily language. As you can see from the shared video shared, the researcher can also complete the tasks, despite the fact that the robot acts around the robot around the robot.

Is a partner with Google ApptronicThe company behind the Apollo Bedal Robot, to build the next generation of humanoid robots. At the same time, Deepmind leaves twins robotics-er (or embodiment). The second model says the company allows robotists to operate their programs using the advanced thinking skills. Deepmind is given a one-time “reliable testers” Google Thiliary Boston Dynamicsaccess to the system.

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