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Delivery of the Arab Golden Age – EP 3: Aleppo and Silk Road | Documentary film

Learn about the Silk Road merchants that brought exotic spices to the chef’s worm and historian cotosis, Europe and the Arab world.

A historian and a chef goes to a culinary journey to find the roots of Arab cuisine and the effect of today’s food and flavor. Kotoz Ahmad, Arabia Food History and Fadi Kattan, a famous Palestinian chef, former Arabic dynasties and recipe manuscripts from the Empire Day Europe. In the last episode, they learn that Cairo became a prestigious cultural center, and in Mamluk, however, joining Egypt, Russia, India, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq, Iraq and Levantin. Aleppo was also an important melting container at the intersection of several trading paths – one of the 13th century books, and it brings an innovation by bringing food, perfume and medicinal oils. Kotosis means “fervent” meaning “adorable” using exotic substances from the spices of the search, Aleppo and the Far East.

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