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Do we get fog? How AI affects critical thinking

Critical thinking, effective leadership, a foundation of solving and innovation of the problem, but what does it happen in your brain during the process? The most basic level is the ability to analyze critical thinking, information, evaluate and synthesize make grounded decisions. Is both deliberately and continuously, solving, decision-making, and use various cognitive processes such as opposition– Pole that trusts your impulsive or intestinal instinct.

People are treated with critical thinking in many different ways based on the nature of the problem, based on personal choices, goals or problems. Some Productivity Specialist Cal Newport’s Concept “Deep Work”The distanction includes extended periods of extended thoughts. Similarly, Andy Tryba marble method Reward your mind to complete 30-minute focus on a position. Regardless of your method, it is the total thread time. True critical thinking is a sustainable and deliberate effort, and this ability can be claimed that we are developing quickly and in an increasingly powerful world.

The AI, with almost every work layer, personal life and education and educational-many people, this is the ability to give him immediate comments near many people. Personally, I will be able to get a “free” in knowledge of tools such as Claude, Github Copilot and Crowdbotics, especially to encoding coding tasks.

This is thinking of me: AI is “fog”? Is it our ability to think critically slipping as we sat back and the EU work dirty for us? This cognitive room has growing research and evidence that requires an active cognitive badge to download, evaluate and synthesize, and synthesize.

Cognitive download is just the act of using external force Reduce cognitive burden in your work memory. It can be better or simple to see a better image from more than 200 billion paramels to create a better or blue muffin recipe or use a neuron network. We are all doing it. This is human.

What we lost behind speed and instant answers

It is important to remember how we can do what the EU can do (or do) to our brains. In 2011, a group researcher examined the impact of Google’s ability to provide To get instant information. When people are constantly waiting for the existence (such as we are waiting for the Internet), they are more likely to remember where the items will find more than remembering the details of the items.

Like many, when young, the information was not immediately accessible. If you want to learn more about something, tap the card catalog, find the hallway, search the book, read the context schedule, flake in the chapter and then read. If you don’t want to do it, you will not only know the answer – in fact, it is a kind of release to think not only.

The epic guests required to find the answer today have reduced a long time. From Google to Chatgept, we are Natural cyborgsWith our computer tool, symbociotics are less important to know how to know or find information here.

But with this undeniable comfort and speed, what is trade?

Is the AI ​​radically changing thought?

The impact of the EU’s critical thinking can be a knee reaction to see if we have a serious warning or an effective warning to be our mental load. But perhaps this is the wrong question. A decrease in deep thinking could be an unsuccessful result or sliding is inevitable? And this is definitely a bad thing? Cognitive Truck Theory No (work) sayswhile others say yes.

Each major technological leap from the print press to the Internet was accompanied by fear that he would miss the intellect. In fact, this line of thinking can be watched all the ways to Socrate, which is concerned about it Trust on the writing weakened people’s memory and true understanding. As a result, each innovation eventually paved the form of new progress.

Let’s split the real world example on both sides. Today, it is widely used in the analytics of information that can analyze the mass data sets, to identify examples of AI, models, specify the models, and filter the noise. On one side of the coin, it loads many cognitive works, loads many cognitive works that allow people to see and make a decision. The other camp reduces the ability of this reliability of this trust to analyze the deep independent of man.

AI makes us foggy?

The answer is perhaps, with a hard lean until the side of yes. Cognitive Download can first reduce our intellectual capabilities when releasing mental resources. Some scientists warn that developing “cognitive laziness” because people are less inclined to deal with comprehensive analytical thinking. The AI ​​systems will gradually spread our ability to perform memory and decision-making functions, independently, potentially To compromise cognitive subsistence and sustainability.

Our extensive addiction from artificial intelligence for cognitive support Weaken fundamental mental facultiesincluding opportunities for memory, analysis and problem solving. This will cause the external population of durable and growing cognitive functions, inner mental processes, perhaps to deteriorate in long-term memory function and general cognitive welfare. Will explain the time.

So is this a bad thing? The AI ​​can accelerate “cognitive laziness” due to today’s standards, but it does not mean we are worse. Very passed, it was simply considered to be “lazy” to use a calculator, but now you are doing it together with you (your phone). As in the new technology, mankind grew up and becomes the best way. I think it’s a difference with AI, but rapidly affects us.

Question You should ask yourself: Is the decline in cognitive skills, a price worth paying for unprecedented comfort and global progress? Or are the AI ​​not reducing our critical thinking, but is it possible to develop? This will become a human intellect, which is the ability to use the concepts of AI, adapt to fast changes and separate the truth from the wrong information.

As a result, because we leaked so aspects of life, we lost their old thinking forms, he said that we were ready to embrace the new.

Reviews expressed in are the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the ideas and beliefsLuck.

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