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Does the gene z reject city life for farm life? | TV shows

Today: We are investigating why the Gen Z period chooses farm life on urban housing.

Burnout leaves cities behind the farms, a year, fluent rent and slower, more intentional life. Until the outside of homesteading, young people re-determine their success through self-sufficiency. But is the village life really responds or brings a set of difficulties? Can you endure this action by increasing land expenses, social isolation and infrastructure restrictions? We hear from those who cover this change. Does the key to a healthier, more durable community?

Presenter: Anelise Borges

Shannon Hayes – CEO, Sap Bush Hollow Farm
Victor Gabriel Lara – Creative Director
Patrick Vernuccio – City of Urban Horticulture Content is the creator and author
Mohammad Ali Al Khater – co-founder and CEO, Bag Farm

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