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EXCLUSIVE: Pluralis rises from prominent investors to Openai with 7.6 million dollars, with great centers

The most modern EU requires a mass computing power and can only create the largest companies. If small outfits were able to challenge Tech Behemoths with their AI algorithms, wouldn’t be great? This is a handful of starting the pluralis research and this is one of the holes believing that the blockboards are actually non-centralized cloud computing networks Amazon Web services – may be the answer.

On Wednesday, Pluralis, Venture Capital firms Coinfund and Union Square planted $ 7.6 million in seed and seed funding, provided $ 7.6 million. Topology, option, Eden BlockAnd Bodhi enterprises also took part in the round, famous Crypto investor Balaji Srinivasan and Clem Degue, with the popular AI platform HuggingceFFACE.

Transmission, for capital, which is a warranty for future cryptist, pluralis decides to launch one, Alexander reported to the founder and CEO Fortune.

To date, there is no product of pluralis, ie investors, first of all, the AI ​​researchers who have long been gathered for a long time and the veteran. “I raised the tour, ‘This team is the right team to try and solve this problem,’ he said.” No one else works. We think we can do it. “

The founder of the pluralis is a doctorate in computer sciences and has been in Azamon for more than three years. He seeks whether seven other computer scientists, doctoral or postdoctoral researchers are able to build powerful AI algorithms through the centralized server network.

Currently, the highest flight requires the files of expensive computers in a warehouse working together to train the AI, mass algorithms. Researchers estimated This is a very electricity consumed by 1300 megawatts of hours or more electricity consumed by 130 US homes, Openai’s GPT model or algorithm. This money spends, which can win in the AI ​​weapon race has great pockets.

Technology is a problem for several corporations that several corporations can use so many corporations to have so much power. GenSyn, head intelligence and investigates the likelihood of a handful of firm.

The approach of the pluralis is different, it has been a long time. The EU’s training-training computer network requires the most attempts to download all the models of these computers. If the servers are small, it puts a ceiling in the size and strength of a model. On a long time, it wants to explore if it is possible to prepare parts of the whole model, more than the whole model. “If you can make the problem quite accurate, it often leads to ways you can start solving it,” he said.

Investors can now begin their research, and in his way, and they believe in him and his team, which is not long. “If it is running, Jake Brukhman, Coinfund’s founder and CEO, announced Fortune“It will change this world.”

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