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First 3D Map of an Exoplanet’s Atmosphere Reveals Bizarre Weather

Astronomers have opened the secrets of the alien atmosphere in an Exoplanet in a far away from our solar system and are previously seen since we have seen.

A scientific scientific, international astronomet group, as Tylos, has a 3D in the atmosphere of the planet WATP-121B. Using a very large telescope of the European Southern Observatory (yes, it is really what it is said), determined a complex air samples and a surprising chemical composition. Themselves learnThe magazine was published in an united version early on Tuesday NaturePuts on the surface atmospheres of future research.

“The atmosphere of this plan is to learn how to work in all the planets, but not on earth, but on earth, but the science fiction” Julia Victoria Seidel, Chile is an esoda in the European South Observatory (ESO) said statement. It should be noted that the official definition of Planet is limited to celestial bodies in our solar system (Some astronomers offer to change this) Tylos is a technical point of view, but astronomers are sometimes clinging to the planet for the sake of simplicity.

ExoPlanet in question gas giant (primarily a large planet made of helium and / or hydrogen) about 900 light years from the ground. This is closely orbit of his star in about 30 hours – so close, in fact, the Teyls are also classified as a Ultra-hot Jupiter: A very dense orbit, an extremely large and warm planet. Tylos for completing an orbit, it takes a gas giant to complete a return, that is, one of the aspects of Tylos is facing his star and is hotter than the other.

Seidel and his colleagues analyzed the ESO’s ESO’s ECOplanet atmosphere using all four TV telescope units of the VLT. By watching iron, sodium and hydrogen, they were able to investigate different deep, medium and upper atmospheric layers of the planet.

“VLT is a different layer of the Exoplanet atmosphere,” said Leonardo A. Dos Santos, Assistant astronomer at the Baltimore Space Telescope Science Institute. “Space is a very difficult type of observation with telescopes, emphasizing the importance of basic survival of exoplanets,” he said.

The structure and movement of the atmosphere of Exoplanet Tylos
The structure and movement of the atmosphere of Tylos. © European South Observatory

The team then created a 3D map of observation, and an alien atmosphere was opened in an unprecedented detail outside our solar system.

“We found a reactive flow of a jet: The material of the planet’s equator is rotated, a separate flow of gas on the low level of the atmosphere is hot on the hot planet,” Seidel said. Compared to the size and speed of Tylos Jet flow, even the strongest hurricanes in the solar system look calm, “he said.

In addition, a companion learnIn the magazine at the beginning of this week Astronomy and astrophysics Some of the same researchers – the discovery of the titanium under the jet flow. Previous studies were not spread in this chemical existence, perhaps the depth of the atmosphere.

“It is irritable that we can learn how to learn details such as chemical makeup and weather samples of a planet,” said Bibiana Prinoth Lund University, Doctor of Philosophy in Astronomy and Astrophysics. “This experience feels like we feel like we can only make the incredible things that we can dream now.” Prinoth is co-author Nature He headed the piece of paper and companion.

Prinoth’s excitement is well placed. Future Telescopes – Eso’s forecast allows researchers such as a smaller space (ELT) to conduct similar atmospheric analysis of the planets as a smaller place. “Est will be a game change to learn the atmosphere of Exoplanet,” said Prinoth.

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