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Four basic jfk files

Jake Horton and Shayan Sardarizade

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General view of the car carrying JFK and Jackie Kennedy, crowd of crowdReuters

John F Kennedy was the President of the United States killed by a killer

Amateurs are on top of thousands of newly published documents in connection with the assassination of President John F Kendenedi.

As expected by many experts, this latest issue of the Trump Office does not answer all the long questions about one of the historical turning points in the United States – Dallas does not answer all the questions about Kennedy’s killing in Texas 1963.

But The latest bunch of Now mostly include documents that are mostly unfounded. The US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) states how much JFC observes the killer of JFC.

In the 1960s, the investigation of the US government, Lee Harvey Oswald, at a point with a drifter and the oldest US Sea, moved alone when he hit Kennedy’s motorcycle.

However, the work still requires questions together with wild conspiracy theories, and more than 60 years – and the last issue is impossible to change it. Here are some keyways.

1. More in Oswald – but there is no bomb box

DOCUMENTS Light to the strong control of the CIA Oswald, said Jefferson Morley, former Washington Post Reporter and Editor Jfk facts Blog.

“Much before the conspiracy,” he is the deepest interest of the CIA, “and this has only been known in the last few years.

Before many previous documents were released – but now more complete versions are available. Although the experts still pass, there were no shock stories.

Again, Mr. Morley calls him “the most interesting news about JFK notes since the 1990s.”

“Several very important documents came into public scenes,” he said.

Therefore, experts praise the release as a step forward for transparency. Hundreds of thousands of documents were presented in the past, but partially reconstructed. Others, officials and referring to the National Security Concerns.

Philip Shenon, who wrote about the 2013 book, Oswald, who explained the documents previously announced by the associated press from the Association, took the public in September 1963 to Mexico a few months ago.

According to the CIA, CIA watched him at that time. “There is a basis for believing that Kennedy in Kennedy in Mexico, and he heard that people said.”

In April 1975, Memo, CIA, said they knew about the visit of the EP’s Osvalık. The CIA noted three telephone conversations between Oswald and a security guard at the Soviet embassy, ​​but Oswald only knew himself.

Reuters / Dallas police department, Oswald's black and white, which holds weapons and papers, an Omturji image of the black and white, with a distance, with a distance and staircase in the backgroundReuters / Dallas Police Department

Lee Harvey Oswald, rifle and communist newspapers in an unpredictated photo by the Dallas Police Department

2. Intelligence methods detected

A number of lighting of documents related to the CIA with the death and exploration methods of Kennedy – give a window to the cold war operations.

It emerges a newly established commemorative A more complete version of a record Kennedy is written by Aide Arthur Schlesinger.

Criticism of CIA’s role in forming critical and foreign policy is criticized, the U.S. embassies in allied countries such as France show the great existence of the agency.

This warns Schlesinger to the American foreign policy of the Kennedy in Kennedy. Although not directly related to the assassination, the memory and intelligence agencies provide detailed information about the rocky connections between the presidential and intelligence agencies.

CIA is different from traditionally to release transaction or budget information.

“Although there are still some editions, it is very good for the government to release these documents,” he said.

A document details the use of fluoroscopic scan – to use x-rays to show the images inside an object.

Techniques are designed to detect hidden microphones used to make the CIA offices wrong.

In another document, the CIA describes and determines the secret system, which is struck by using a paint, which appears under the ultraviolet light, only.

The memorial is noteworthy for one of the names – it will be neglected as one of the people who squeeze the water later James McCord. Uninterrupted, President Richard Nixon started the opening of the scandal.

Follow: I haven’t seen video JFK shows moments after assassination

3. Old theories resurrected

Some well-known online accounts claimed that the latest documents were detected by new details about the long questions against Kennedy.

Gary Enterhill – A World War includes several viral posts on two military intelligence agents.

Mr., a CAIA agents of the CAIA agents, a Cabali’s conspiracy in 1967, in 1967, in 1964, in 1964, he committed suicide in 1964, but the magazine doubted it.

A seven-page memo Mr., Mr., went viral on Tuesday – but the bulk of this is not new. His story has been discussed online for a long time, and this is the first time that it was announced in 2017, CIA memo.

Once the memo, several sentences have not been established in the latest release.

And a very important theory is based on the second hand expense, which is broadcast after the death of Mr. death, and there is no evidence.

However, the story was only one of a number of unfounded theories spread after the release of the files.

4. Files are completely unfounded?

In 1992, it requires all the documents related to the conspiracy that will be released within 25 years – but this law also includes national security exceptions.

The push for more transparency has caused more releases in time – both President Trump and President Biden, recently released documents by 2023.

Prior to the new release, President Trump said they wanted the employees to “edit nothing.”

Completely not seem like that – new documents still have some editions. However, experts agreed that the final issue was a step forward for transparency.

JFK files are more documents in the national archives who have been still released in the journalist Morley, and others are still calculated by CIA and FBI.

Although the future could be more release, the drops promised by Robert F Kennedy SR and Martin Luther King Jr. – JFK’s surrounding questions will be almost.

“When there is any conspiracy, there will be disputes and will have the theories of assassination to some extent,” said Barrett, Villanova history. “According to this or other documents, this is not going to change.”

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