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According to the analysis of the analysis of an eurozone economist, the German government, the German government is likely to analyze the analysis of an eurozone economist, which supports the financial market, can reach 2TN in the next ten years.
Last week, an economist survey, 63 percent of the largest economy of Europe’s largest economy, 86 percent of GDP in the last ten years, a negative echo negative echo. 28 Answers of economists express the € 1.9TN fiscal space.
“Germany has a great financial capacity,” the European University University Institute, Professor of Florence Messori should be used to push the German and wider European economy to high-tech sectors and an effective green transition.
Findings, the head of the center, the head of the Christian Democrats, the probable coalition partner, social democrats, social democrats, on Tuesday, plan to increase the creeping infrastructure and increase defense costs.
Economists waited for more than five years of economic stagnation, which are very needed, can lead to an additional 1TN organization in public debt over the next decade.
The main point, Copenhagen business school in Copenhagen Business School, which is estimated to be 80 percent of a manageable debt level, Copenhagen Business School was to pay for the improvements of the “or 90 percent of the German”, to improve the improvements of the “or 90 percent” of Germany.
“The critical infrastructure, digital infrastructure, such as non-sincerized railway system and more infrastructure, should be improved,” he said.
The freedom of FT estimates that German nominals will increase by 2 percent a year in the financial space.
Many participants stressed that additional debt should be combined with structural reform to increase the country’s productivity.
“Wheels will not solve the difficulties,” said Ulrich Kater, the chief economist of the Deka bank located in Frankfurt.
Willem Buiter, who advised Citi’s former Chief Economist and Maverecon, described the German economy as “matte adjustable.”
On Saturday, coalition partners have released additional policy details collided with the challenges of economists.
Instead of cutting red ribbon and cutting growth reform, including new state benefits or new state benefits or VAT for VAT, including the reconstruction of fuel subsidies for more pensions or farmers.
Bert Flossbach, the German asset manager FLOSSBACH VON STORCH, said the announcement in advance that the new government’s expenses to the defense could create “more space to increase social consumption and prosperity.”
LC Macro consultants founder and chief economist Lorenzo Codogno, Germany’s “true problem” has been dominated and dominated by “complex, but former industry”. According to him, it was necessary to need Germany’s “leading, innovative companies.”
“German industries are attached to the medium technology trap” and “modernize the production” to “modernize” “modernize”, Antti Alaja, Finland Antti Alaja, an economist for new economic analysis.
Allianz Global Investors Economist Stefan Hofrichter, accusing the country’s crisis bureaucracy and tax regime, said that the economy is “very high corporate taxes” and “contribution to private investments.”
Commerzbank’s chief economist Jörg Krämer, Merz’u to return the impact of the economy to the economy and “trusts to citizens and corporations”.
The findings were based on 28 quantitative response, which he could put aside any legal debt limit and lift Germany’s federal debt compared to growth.
Kenneth Rogoff and Carmen’s Reinhart, in 2010, in 2010, the GDP exceeded 90 percent, but later research protested this result.
“Economic literature does not provide a certain response to the relevant level of public debt,” he said.
The 41 economists answering a question about Germany’s harsh debt brain, which are additional expenditures in 0.35 percent of GDP, has been 0.35 percent since 2009, the debt should be ruled out.
More than one quarter – or 29% of respondents – this should be completely canceled, it should be overhauled to provide 41 percent or more comfort. The remaining economists supported a moderate reform to present “a little more comfort.” No one was called to prevent the rule or not hardened.
“(I) The German obsession with financial caution is overdue and reforms have been overdue.”
However, MPs for the Green Party, Merz, Merz, Merz’s defense costs, said they plan to create a financial place with defense costs over 1 percent of debt brake.
Their opposition is scheduled to change in the opposition and the upper house of parliament, and two-thirds of the Bundesrat.
Information visualization by Oliver Roeder in London