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Glowbar, a $ 13 million facial chain with $ 13 million pandem, said that entrepreneurs say it was something before starting to work

  • Rachel Liverman, co-founder and CEO of $ 3 million Facial Chain Glowbar, He says it’s a tough lesson, most entrepreneurs do not learn until they are in the trenches. However, he took a stressful moment and turned him into the opportunity to a great job.

Well thought out Business Strategy It may seem important for success, but in many cases, entrepreneurs can cultivate it, because the future has its own. At least, what is a range of Rachel Liverman, CEO and $ 13 million Shineexperienced.

“You may have a plan, but laughing the universe,” says Liverman FortuneExperienced classifier founders say that this is a warning.

Glowbar, America can be one of the most popular facial chains, which is 18 locations on the east coast and five new shops to open this year. Membership between 2023 and 2024 grew 100%, glittered Studio footprints doubled. Over the past six years, the face chain has been transferred to more than half a million and is one of the fastest growing face studios in the United States in 2023.

However, the way to success is often a bumpy and the entrepreneurs are better. Liverman started working in 2019 and started the glowbar in the frandasing and TRIBECA, after the Covid-19 Pandemic Hit.

“The pandemic was wild … There was a business plan, I had all the documents, I had all my investors. I had this plan, and then said.” This was the first beautiful test of my initiative. “

According to New York’s Pandemic Mandates, Liverman has gone for more than six months that the store has to close secret staff for the staff of the store until the work of work is allowed. Even had to start a Gofundme To ensure that all employees take care of.

However, Liverman found a way to turn the sour limons in lemon and came out of the pandemia.

Finding job success when the universe laughs

Many people protect their wealth during the uncertainty of the pandemia, leading to $ 2.1 trillion put into trouble From March 202020 to August 2021. Instead, Liverman saw this as an opportunity to collapse. Only one store is over – later closed and the territory of the other development of the other, he saw a chance to expand until his pre-time.

“Of course, I was very lucky, and I was very lucky enough to storm,” Liverman said, “Livan, as the filled of empty stores during the pandemic, rented rentals.

“So I have optimized in real estate, and in 2020 and 2021, I probably signed four or five leases, and we have incredible deals.

The daring decision to expand Liveston during uncertain time: The fifth place serves as a headquarters of the parlowbar. “Today I will not be able to get it,” he said.

If the chips are low or do not work, there is a recommendation for liveston entrepreneurs: to lean to others. They can answer your problem. But at least they will support.

“This is a simple thing and as an entrepreneur, it will unlock so much when you hold it: asking for help,” he says. “You don’t feel like you need to know all or know all you know. If you know everything, the founding, entrepreneur or the General Director did not need to hire the team.”

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