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Google Quantum Exec, not technically, ‘The real breakout has been 5 years’

Sundar Pichai, one of the quantum computers in Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara Lab, in October 2019, was given by the photo of the United States in October 2019, Google / Presentation by the third party.

Presentation. | Reuters

One Google’s”s The best managers working on Quantum computers have been believed in modern computers for just five years that technology has been believed so far.

Julian Kelly, Google Quanum AI’s Deirdre Deirdre told Bosa that a quantum computer could create the most advanced physics and create potential information.

“We think it’s a practical application that you can solve only on a quantum computer,” he said in a interview in Kelly on Tuesday.

Quantum technology enjoyed increasing focus after announcing a progression in Google’s miscarriage In December The company said that quantum computers offered a way to work.

MicrosoftAt the same time, he revealed a new quantum computing chip called Majorana in February. The company had to create “A completely new situation“To hire chip, CEO Satya nadella said.

Google’s most advanced The Quantum Computer has 105 cubitsor a quantum computer basic building block, while professionals need to be 1 million or more cubits for useful applications.

Quantum computers have dreams of physic and scientists since the 1980s. Traditional computers are based on the probability of central processors or graphic processors, or 0, or 1, quantum savers.

“Quantum computers speak Quantum mechanics -” Kelly “,” Kelly “, because the universe is the most fundamental level.

The first applications of technology are likely to use the system to simulate the most advanced physics. “There are some sorts of kindness to make a kind of a kind of a kind of system,” he said.

Quantum computers can create data used to train AI, although Kelly is called “speculative” use. He said that the current artificial intelligence models will not be able to operate in quantum computers, he said.

“One of the potential applications you can think for a quantum computer is to create new and novel information,” Kelly said.

The quantum computing area also drew attention to artificial intelligence chips in recent months Nvidia Investors seek another generation processor that can spark as a similar boom Graphic processing units did during the AI ​​investment wave.

Nvidia does not make quantum processors, but the company held a quantum day event last week, including 12 leading quantum companies. Amazon And talked about the potential of Microsoft technology.

In January, NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang was followed by Chipmaker’s summit arrived In the next 15 years. These comments have led to a few public quantums.

Last week, Huang received his comments on January, that he was “wrong” However, he said he thinks that the technology is a long way to go.

“Of course, the quantum calculation has hopes for potential and all our hopes for an extraordinary impact,” Huang said last week. “But the technology is very complicated.”

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