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Google removes ‘underrepresented’ language from its grant website

Several weeks after Google said I would be reviewed Its diversity, capitalization and inclusion programs, Google, Startup Founders Foundation website are carried with changes with changes. The most notable Google uses past tension to describe all stock programs for stock programs.

This is a change in the Internet archives after December. And the site currently says zero stock programs are available.

Google’s Startup Foundation Foundation was put into operation in 2020, including shopping companies, including women and French and Latino downturns, to start money grants and product support.

The site says more than $ 50 million in support of more than 600 Founders. In addition to the capital, the founders received mentoring and product support as loans to Google Cloud.

However, the grant landscape – especially about programs targeting minorities – has changed a lot since 2020. According to any program labeled by TechCrunch, Google StarTups founders found the Foundation of the Foundation of Google Startups, the Foundation of the Foundation of the Foundation of the Foundation of the Foundation of the Foundation of the Foundation of the Foundation.

The programs listed as “past” funds, now includes the Women’s Foundation Foundation, Latino Foundation Foundation, USA’s USA and Black Founders Foundation in the United States.

In addition, the site says that Zero Grant programs are in any region, although programs connecting the US accelerators for starting with EU products and the starting of the United States (Energy and Climate).

It is not clear which of which programs are officially completed, or reconstructed in other ways. When asked about their situation, Google’s response was uncertain, but implies a focus change in the originated founders and AI beginnings.

“We have not yet opened our apps for Google for Google for startup funds. In 2025, we will invest in the early beginning of the AI ​​in the United States, and we will share more specifications on another date,” he said.

Google goes away from another language

TechCrunch observed other changes in the language of this program.

Site in December specially “Today, today, in order to support the founders represented so far,” more than $ 50 million, “he said. The word “Armenia was removed.

One Archived page From January 21, Google is used as “Financial Support to non-Armenian communities” and “to help build fecal and risky founders.”

Currently, Google Program says Provides “Innovators” and favorable support “to help build and develop the founders.

Google did not respond to our desire to comment on the language change on the site.

In the last month, Google and other technological giantsLike Father and Amazon, the Trump management began to regulate dei words and activities as he puts pressure into the public and private sector to retreat such programs. Google This month has been previously announced There would be no more diversity targets and Also recorded Dei in the 10-cli of 10 clients.

Reuters This week was reported Companies that clearly remove themselves, reflect themselves, and subtle balance sheets are currently facing when they want to avoid legal problems.

At the same time, grant programs aimed at the special segments of non-state-related communities are attacked for a while. Fearless Foundation had to solve a claim for the grant program for famous women’s founders and Close the program in September. Paypal tastes Is currently being sued The grant commitment to the founders of black and Latino over allegations that discriminate against other competitions.

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