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Google search, Play Store falling foul of Digital Markets Act rules, says EU

Google Search and its Play Store Mobile application market is suspected of violating the European Union The law of digital markets (DMA), an initial findings, the flagship of the bloc explored months, the flagship Market Market Market Market Market Market Market Market Market Market Market Market Market Market is a commission.

DMA is applied to a handful of technological giant, alphabet (parent Google). Aspects of Google’s work are under investigation by the EU March 2024the regime shortly after entering force.

DMA’s approved violations can attract up to 10% of the global annual turnover, so it is the highest level for high scenes – although the EU does not come to a final conclusion in this area.

The EU’s initial findings on Google are twice: One is the search for the search, the commission Aquaros, the DMA of Google is not more positive than its services.

“The alphabet, shopping, hotel orders, transport, transport or finance and sports results, are treated in the EU more than similar services offered by third parties in Google search results Press release.

“More, compared to the alphabet, alphabet, other, Google provides more prominent treatment to its services compared to the top or special gaps, developed visual formats and filter mechanisms.”

The second result is in the Google’s mobile app, the game store that Google’s Google’s application of Google’s application for the other (that is, non-google) channels (ie non-Google) channels.

“The alphabet is technically, for example, preventing the proposals of applications to the steering customers and issuance of steering channels, for example, the steering wheel prevents certain parties behind the wheel,” he said.

“Alphabet with an alphabet game can receive a payment to facilitate the initial acquisition of a new customer by an application developer, and the rights caught in the alphabet are right.

EU has previously targeted Apple due to unfair steering rules – end iPhone giant 1.84bn a year ago A long-term research of the music flow market in IOS, which is pre-planning DMA.

This also gave the initial results against Apple’s App Store to violate DMA provisions last summerTherefore, the findings on the work of Google are watching other DMA implementation measures against other technological giants. In any case, in all cases, the EU has not yet reached the final decisions.

Google made A number of changes In response to the DMA, the DMA responded to the DMA, search and play in the EU, the Commission does not believe it will be enough.

There have been aggregation and search sites competing with Google especially vocals The company’s changes were an attempt to destroy the advantage of his advantages to compete with their proposals to the DMA’s advantage for its advantage.

Commenting on the initial findings of the EU, Teresa Ribera, the commission, in connection with the leadership of the commission, today ensures that the alphabet is widely used by enterprises and consumers throughout android phones.

“From the first point of view, in the initial point of view, it does not benefit from the fair rating experience of our alphabet and the Google search results page is buying their products.

Added Ribera: “Clear me: Our main focus creates a culture of compliance with the Digital Markets Law.

After the findings of the commission, we appealed to Google to ask how the work he works in the EU. A company spokesman did not deal with our question – instead pointed Blog Post The EU was released to coincide with the announcement of the preliminary violation.

The company enters the Blog Post – the claim that the changes he was forced by the EU will damage the consumers and enterprises and “will prevent innovation”, claiming it.

“Komissiyanın tapıntıları, axtarış nəticələrinin müəyyən növlərini necə göstərdiyimizi, insanların axtardıqlarını və Avropa müəssisələrinə trafikin trafikin azaldılmasını çətinləşdirən,” Oliver Bethell, “baş direktoru, müsabiqə, müsabiqə, müsabiqə, müsabiqə, müsabiqə.

Bethell also warned the EU guards, Europeans ‘fraud from bad programs and bad applications’ to push changes in the Android game store.

“[I]We cannot protect our users from our users from cheat or harmful connections that take our users outside Safe game environmentThen the commission is forcing us to choose between a closed model and a dangerous one, “said Bethell.

“Similarly, if we do not make reasonable payments to support the continuous development of Android, we cannot support the continuation of our proposed gaming services, we cannot invest in the most recent premium model of the world in the open platform that can not spend 1,000 euros.”

Bethell added: “We will deal with the commission and follow the rules. But today’s findings are now increasing the risk of more evil for Europeans.”

In terms of the next occasion, Google will have a chance to analyze the results of the EU in detail and shape the answer. Thus, the results of the investigation are seen – if the EU technical giant is approved by the original view of the rules, the decision (and a large subtle). At the same time, the commission can be used in the protection of Google.

Or, really by political pressure This is superior to Europe’s law.

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