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Google Sues Scammers Behind Thousands of Fake Business Listings on Maps

Google sues Google maps that manage Google maps by adding the money to a map of about 10,000 jobs to remove money from money. Named main defendant claim Maryland, who claims that the world’s cheaters in the world played a central role in the scheme by helping the coordinate teams are a Maryland.

Court, the first declare By CBS News, for two years, for two years, people have been abused to create fake online lists to create fake feedback from people who have not existed “with fake reviews.” In addition, by selling information about the people he rented by false business lists, he is engaged in the “lead-generation-generation” scheme.

A common scam attracted a sacrifice looking for a businesslike business like a locksmith found on Google maps. This number will connect them to an irrelevant locksmith that can pay an exaggerated price for the service. “These behavioral consumers are misleading and visitors are likely to erode as a reliable and secure way to find and find trusts in your business profiles in Google,” he said. claim.

Google has received a complaint from the locksmith in Texas accused of Google maps and then launched a deeper investigation with a larger trend. The company used automated scanning tools and a special analytical group to explore complaints and suspicious activity, detect abducted work accounts seized by thousands of fake profiles or cheaters.

Google has removed these fake lists from Google maps, blocking the accounts that generate them and operated legal in response. However, the lawsuit said that in the last few weeks, the latest cheat against businesses in the Washington DC region is “active and durable.”

“Fake business lists are prohibited on Google maps and use a number of tools to protect business and users,” said Google General Advice Halimah Delane Prado, said in a statement sent to CNET. “This court case is built on our efforts and sends an open message that the imitation schemes will endure.”

To prevent the victims of these scammers, Prado recommended this week on the “CBS Mornings Plus” this week, users visited the for the latest warnings. If a social security number such as a social security number as a social security number, they wish you legally personal information and asking for information on requests or requirements for gift card payments, they recommended to check the URLs for their legal work.

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