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Hacked crypto exchange Bybit offers $140 million bounty to trace stolen funds

Last week, Hackers stole around $ 1.4 billion from Crypto Exchange bybitHe believed that history was the greatest cryptist. Now the company offers a total of $ 140 million favor for anyone who can follow and freezes stolen funds.

BYBIT’s CEO and co-founder Ben Zhou announced his favor On Tuesday in an article in X.

On the official website of the blessingBybit explains that each time he tracks some of the traces of someone and freezes some stolen funds, this amount goes to the person who found them and 5%.

Thanks to the five-grace hunter, Bybit, North Korean leader Kim Jong awarded $ 4.23 million for blades with a knife who stabbed the head of the Jong.

Contact us

Do you have more information about ByBIT hack or other crypto? You can contact the signal securely with Lorenzo Franceschi-Bichierai, which is a unemployed device and network +1 917 257 1382 or telegram and keybase @lorenzofb or Email. You can also contact TechCrunch Secretary.

“We will not stop until the elimination of bad actors in Lazarus or industry. In the future, we will open it to other victims of Lazarus,” Zhou, referring to Zhou Lazarus groupThe name of the cyberecttourity industry supported by a large group of North Korean hackers is mainly focused on cryptocurrency thefts.

Multiple security researchers and cryptovalial security and monitoring firms Believe in the hackers working for the North Korean government of mass bybitOver the years, $ 650 million in Crypto-dollar cryptist in Crypto in 2024 has been very effective in the years According to the US, Japan and South Korean governments.

Wednesday, Bybit’s Zhou Preliminary results were published Two companies, Sygnia Laboratories and the court investigation with hack led by Vericains. Sygnia said the attack was a harmful code from the infrastructure “root causal” Safewalleta cryptist platform. Verichins, Benign JavaScript file “Ethereum Mulisig’s cold wallet has been replaced by a harmful version of the specific target.

Two research security companies violated a developer’s device on the safewallet of hackers The company confirmed itself.

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