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Have You Heard of the 10-3-2-1-0 Sleep Hack? Try It Tonight to Cure Your Sleepless Nights

If you don’t get asleep as much as you need, you are not alone. According to the centers of control and prevention of diseases, More than a third That American adults do not receive enough sleep. It takes to all of us, but the bad sleep is more serious than you can understand. Is associated with Development of chronic conditions Like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and strokes.

So what can you do about weak sleep? One of the most effective work you can affect the most focuses on your dream hygiene or your dreams around you.

Create rules Can make a big difference around your bed. 10-3-2-1-0 is a daily diary of a dream that is a dream that provides wind and sleep to your mind and body.

What is 10-3-2-1-0 sleep hack?


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Most of the adults require good 6 Up to 9 hours Quality sleep every night. 10-3-2-1-0 is a diary before you can relax and help you hit both your body and your mind. Here’s all you need to know.

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10 hours before bed: No more caffeine

Caffeine is most consumed psychoactive substance in the world. Caffeine consumption should end 10 hours before bed 10 hours ago, because when approaching beds, sleep can break your period. About a caffeine half life of a dose 3-7 hoursSo your body takes a minimum of 10 hours to remove caffeine from your blood circulation. This is a good order, but can be very harsh as sensitivity for 10 hours of caffeine.

Coffee with coffee can also be in the other drinkSports drinks, soda, energy drinks, like some tea and chocolate. Definite medicine Caffeine can also be. You should read the tags of drugs or drink You consume to prevent caffeine consumption around your bedroom.

3 hours before the bed: No more food or alcohol

Although alcohol consumption appears to be comfortable before bed demolition Sleep. Causes sleeping quality and often wake up in one night, as a result, it feels tired during the next day.

It may also be useful not to consume certain food 3 hours before bed, because they can cause Heartburn (acid reflux) and break the sleep. Several such food includes fried, spicy and high-fat foods. You may also want to avoid high foods added sugar Like sweets, cookies and desserts, they can also cause weak sleep quality.

2 hours before bed: No more work

You can request end 2 hours before bed to get good quality sleep 2 hours ago. Relaxing your mind will help you get asleep. You can practice Meditation, muscle comfort and magazine to calm your mind after work. This helps you create a buffer time zone between your work and your sleep time, which allows you to make a better sleep and promote your brain.

1 hour before bed: No more screens

Smartphones, TVs, computers, tablets or other devices are offered to use at least one hour before at least one hour before in your real bed. Blue light is not usually recommended before bedtime A breaker as we once thought. Sleep experts still call you to not use the screens in your bed before bedtime. If your bed is a place where you scroll on your phone or the most watching the tv is a place where the body will stay awake will join your bed like a place; It makes it difficult to fall asleep in the night.

Do not hit mpooze in the morning

Shooting a snooze button, you can break your sleeping period, you feel tired. It is better to often stand up with an alarm. The dream between signals is often broken and low quality, may reduce General sensitivity and motivation during the day. Along with the tired of being tired, snouzing alarms can also delay your daily activities. In addition, it can help strengthen a consistent sleeping mode, even if it feels difficult with the first alarm.

Tips on other sleep hygiene


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Several general advice to help protect your sleep and provide good quality sleep The following includes each night:

  • Store outside the bedroom: Keeping the electronics outside your bedroom will ensure that you have not been exposed to blue light from them that can break your waking period.
  • Create routine: Creating a sleeping mode, prepares your body and mind for sleep. It is time to provide timely and quality sleep that signals your body.
  • Avoid late late exercises: Exercise is good for your health, 1 to 2 hours 2 hours from the bed, can break your dreams. Serious exercise close to bedtime rarely Increase your heart rate, adrenaline levels and body temperature, thereby difficult you can fall asleep. Try to stretch gently or Yoga posesinstead.
  • Keep halfway half or more short: You can save your NAPs 15 – 20 minutes or shorter energetic during the day. However, the longer naps can interfere in your normal sleeping time and may feel lethargic and disorient.
  • Be the darkness of your bedroom: Do the bedroom dark Provides high quality sleep. Even low light can increase your risk of awakening even light night and break your dream period.
  • Don’t watch TV or scroll on your phone in bed: Revolution Watching TV in your phone or bed can unite as a place to be awake of your bed. Try to use your bed only for your bed.
  • Lower your mind before bed: Prevents your mind before bedtime soothes your mind and your body is preparing to fall asleep. This, in turn, does not live high quality sleep and no awakening.

Try this bed time mode tonight


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Better sleep means a better quality of life, productivity and reduced stress along with a better mood. Try 10-3-2-1-0 sleep mode instead of throwing up on your bed and rotate. Although it is difficult to use in any order, not a perfect diary to reduce stress and anxiety related to sleep, gradually, pay attention to continuous changes. Hopefully, this advice will help you to pave and fall asleep and make quality sleep easier.

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