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He Built a Tool to Get Around Big Tech’s Recruiting Process, Columbia Kicked Him Out of School

Columbia University Student Roy Lee says he has been suspended After establishing the EU program, he helped him to pass the brutal technical interviews for Meta, Facebook, Amazon and Tiktok. “I just went out of Columbia from Columbia to resist Leetcode interviews,” Lee said Lee on March 26 Send in LinkedIn.

I talked to Lee this month ago After the story of the social media after his story. Lee was a sophomore in Columbia, who looked to graduate in 2026.

It was just necessary to pass the technical interview. Tech interview or “Leetcode” interview, where the business candidate is forced to test the long and tedious coding, often watching the company. The technical interview usually covers the problems that the programmer will never face.

Applying for tests to hear li broke him. Thus, during a technical test, it was a simple tool that draws screen screenshots and a system to solve problems from the AI ​​system. He said he was working and received a proposal from many technological companies. He began to sell the coder to subscribers and interviews to his program and used it to pass the Amazon’s technical test and put video from it on YouTube using it.

Then someone trembled to Columbia. Lee shared a copy of the letter shared with him. The name of the sender is reconstructed, but they claim that Lee is an Amazon employee who is upset when they see the video of Lee on YouTube. Amazon refused to comment specifically in Lee and did not comment on Columbia, the family of family education and privacy prevented them.

“I leaked the letter and went super viral in the X, that a moment was more than anything else,” said Lee Linked. When he talked to him at the beginning of this month, disciplined hearing away days away. He deleted him and said that he would not be in the country and planned to leave the university.

According to LinkedIn post, he appeared in some capacity. “In hearing, Columbia has forced me a strange reception that he can be used to deceive cheats in a Columbia CS classroom and all the documents for leaking,” he said. “One-half a week later and I went out of school completely. Lol!”

A copy of the complaint, this month he shared with me this month came from Columbia. There was a large watermark on the “non-written” said. He also placed this photo on social media.

Lee also shared copies of the records from Linkedin and X’s disciplinary hearing. “According to the nature of the rule (s), you are suspended from Columbia College from Columbia and the right to return after 2026 in 2026.”

Lee is to sell a program that has so much difficulty for $ 60 per month. Each battle with Columbia increases him a little more. “Now it’s funny and a unimpeded story, but the truth is that this is my bad pinching throughout this process,” he said. “It took my mental strength to the limit, but I’m super I’m doing it.”

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