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He left the Icelandic minister, who was a child with a young man 30 years ago

Iceland’s children’s minister resigned after accepting that he was a child with a child 30 years ago.

Thórsdóttir, in a media in a media, when the boy was 15 years old, he said he started a relationship first, and he became a 22-year-old advisor in his religious group.

He then born his child when he was 16 and was 23 years old.

“It has been changing a lot during this period for 36 years, and today in these issues, in these issues,” 58-year-old Told Icelandic media.

Iceland’s Prime Minister Kristrún Frostadóttir said the press was a “serious issue”, although he knew a little more from “average man”.

“This is a very personal issue (and), I will not comment on the relevant person,” he said.

According to the Visir newspaperFrostadóttir said that only the story approves the story on Thursday.

He immediately called for the office of the Children’s Minister to his resigned office.

Iceland News Agency RUV broke the story Thursday night.

Thórsdóttir, Eirík Ámmmmsson, Eirík Ámundsson named RUV as RUV, when he worked with a religious group (religious and life), was reported to be attended by a difficult home life.

He was 15 years old and was 22 years old in his session. Thórsdóttir, and born his son when both were older.

RUV said the attitude was the secret, but this was the birth of the Ámundson’s child and spent the first year with him.

However, the news agency, this was changed when this was met with his current husband.

The documents presented to the Ministry of Justice, who demanded the son of his son, rejected their documents to the Ministry of Justice, but rejected child support and acceptance in 18 years.

Ámundsson’s relative tried to contact the Prime Minister of Iceland last week.

Frostadóttir, when a government minister emerged last night, the Minister of Government asked for more information that caused revelation and resignation.

In an interview with RUV and RUV last night, Thórsdóttir, said he was saddened by the woman’s contact with the Prime Minister.

“I understand … what looks like,” he said, “Today is very difficult to get the right story in the news.”

In Iceland, the century is 15 years old, until you are 18 of them, you or the mentor, it is illegal to have sex with them or teacher. The maximum sentence is three years in prison for this crime.

Despite the resignation from the work of the ministers, Thórsdotir said there were no plans to leave parliament.

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