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Home availability in England and Wales returns to pandemic levels in advance

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Apartments in England and Wales returned to the pandemic level after salary, show official figures after salary, faster than home prices.

The average house of the Middle House in England last year is 7.7 times averaged 290,000. This was lower than 7.9 in 2019, and in 2021 showed the figures from the summit of 9.0 to national statistics.

During the increase in mortgage rates since 2020, it will not immediate the impact of many households, the variable ratio, which helps those who want to buy a house that requires relative earnings.

“When these rates are easing in the basic asset, these ratios provide a platform for growth (home price and sale),” he said, Lucian Cook, head of research research in research research in the property group.

Ratio Home prices Gains rose sharply between 2020 and 2021, as interest rates have risen sharply because of the rock bottom and the British government’s tax benefits are brought.

Housing schedule, which shows home sales prices, returned to previous pandemic levels in the UK and Wales

Home prices in England and Wales have increased by 1 percent since 2021, the average profit increased by 20 percent. The sharp increase in inflation and interest rates in this period has depressed the sale and prices of the house and led to increase salary.

The typical mortgage tempo was about 2 percent in early 2020 before hitting Covid-19, and now he now stood 4-5 percent. This means that monthly mortgage payments and affordable tests for potential buyers are more steeper than the pandemic.

Increasing mortgage expenditures, stable rate of mortgage deals hit the household slowly as they end.

“At the end of this year, there are many households that will come to the end of five-year-class transactions and encounter the increase in household bill.

National information showed 37.7% to 37.7 percent of the home payment for buyers for the first time in the last three months of the mortgage payment in the last three months of 2024.

Line table, as a share of salary salary salary for the first time Mortgage payments

On Monday, the analysis of Savills, the average hostage was paid £ 12.754 per year, more than 2829 TL, until 2022, began to rise.

Overall UK housing expenses reached the highest level in 2024 when adjusted for inflation. Since the houses are 20 years ago, the price is still less favorable when the pricing rate is stopped in 6.79.

In recent years, the records feel the pinches of high housing expenses to increase the rise as a record in recent years. For new participants, rent, at the end of 2019, in February 2019, at 29 percent of the total income in February, 25.8 percent in the end of 2019, the Property Information Company figures published by the Property Information Company.

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