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Hot New Thermodynamic Chips Could Trump Classical Computers

Guillaume Verdon stands It is so important for the future of humanity with a new computer chip with a new computer chip, it was so important to be afraid of fearing the headquarters that the headquarters became the target of the industry.

I can tell you: We are in an office in an office from Boston and the chip came out of pouring a few days ago. Sits on a lap board on the width of a large Mac. Pink-nail sized silicone itself is a dot with an exotic component set: not ordinary semiconductor transistors, or the elements of an A quantum chipHowever, the intestines of a new paradigm of a rooted new paradigma called thermodynamic calculation.

Unlike quantum uncle oglu, thermodynamic billing promises to go beyond the binary restrictions of 1 and 0. However, quantum calculation is aimed at this new paradigm to minimize random thermodynamic fluctuations that occur in electronic components through extreme criogen cooling connect o so many fluctuations.

Engineers follow both paradigans in a race to accelerate the former ordinary silicone chips and processing the AI ​​age and provide the power of processing during the wing period. But Verdon – With its beginning, extropu – this is not just a participant in the race. EU is one of the most embarrassed people of ERA. He is known as the founding prophet of an ideology called Alter Ego, based Beff Jezos, effective accidents.

Known as “E / ACC” for a short, effective actracterry, an unusual rejection Effective altruismA movement that satisfies many techniques, unless the rise of artificial general intelligence is not increased and reliably creates almost an existential risk for humanity. As “EA ‘:’ I believe in Leprechaun and the burden of evidence, falls on you to refute me ‘” Went well enough Basic Beff Post Since 2022.

AI existential risk movement, he wrote another post In that year, “An infovazard, which causes depression in our most talented and intelligent people, is an infovazard that causes our productive earnings to a greater future. “Another frequent target of Mockery is an AI ethics movement that has criticized the bias and architects of the Balf, E / ACC, among some members of Tech Elite, a rally between prominent figures such as Marc Andreessen and Garry Tan, a rally it’s been.

An effective actracteration is perhaps a better zeitgeist’s most technical fringe: American policy is violated and this is careful, a belief that the minibus returns the country. This Etos helped Donald Trump’s return home Elon muskE / A Hero of ACC, next to. As Trump 2.0 promises an effective acceleration, an uncertain American renaissance or a reciprocal view of the work needed to go there. In both cases, the details are fuzzy.

However, the features of the new chip of the Verdo’s new chip under a laboratory microscope, if nothing else is, there are a number of micron features. These components, verdon promises, “Casefully” – will be used to create a “programmable random” – a “programmable random” – can be managed to prepare useful calculations. When combined with a classic computer, it will provide a very effective way to provide an artificial intelligence, modeling of artificial intelligence, all-advanced calculation, all kinds of developed calculation, so effective way. (Some academic laboratories are already established in a simple way, including prototype thermodynamic devices adulterer– Technology in modern machine learning center.)

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