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Houthi drones can be hidden and can go away

For more than a year, Houthi rebels in Yemen attacked Merchant Ships and warships in the Red Sea Rockets, drones and Speed ​​ships loaded with explosivesBreak global trading with one of the busiest shipping strips in the world.

The lawsuit of solidarity with the Palestinians in Gaza, Houthis, hit ships 100 miles on the Yemeni coast Our retaliatory airstriks and Israeli fighter jets.

Houthis supported by Iran, mainly suspended When their attacks reach the ceasefire in January in Israel and Hamas. However, the evidence examined by arms researchers shows that rebels can find new technologies to help detect drones and have difficulty finding them away.

“If this should restart any of these conflicts, the United States or Israeli military may potentially give the element of the Armenian Conflict arming researchA British group identifying and following weapons and ammunition used in the wars of the world.

Mr. Khan went to the Southwest in November to document the parts of a hydrogen fuel cell system, which was found in a small boat, in addition to other weapons, found in a small boat in November.

Hydrogen fuel cells produce electricity with a mixed hydrogen reaction between oxygen reaction and a number of metal tiles loaded in the air. They left water vapor, but less heat or noise.

Houthi drones, equipped with traditional methods such as gas burning engines or lithium batteries, fly about 750 miles. However, hydrogen fuel cells will allow them to fly three times in this distance and make acoustic and infrared sensors further difficult to reveal them.

Display the Arming Survey of the Conflict in detail In a report released on Thursday. The group examined the shipping documents prepared by hydrogen tanks compressed and compressed hydrogen tanks, advertising the use of fuel cell components for drons in China in China.

It is not yet possible to know the contents come directly from China, Mr. Khan. However, a new source for weapons components can give Houthis a strategic impetus.

Houthi weapons were sent to the sea, usually from Iran or sent, Mr. Khan. “If Houthis did not get these things, they see what we saw, they will offer a new supply chain from trading markets, which increases their self-security instead of relying on their backgrounds in the region,” he said.

Mr Khahan’s boat was detained by the Yemeni in August take effect adapted to the country International well-known government. Items found abroad, artillery missiles, cruise missiles, radar and ship tracking devices, as well as small engines, which can produce hundreds of commercial drone in addition to hydrogen combat cell parts, are included.

Hydrogen-based electricity with fuel cells has been decades and used by NASA During Apollo Missions. In the late 2000s, the United States wars have emerged to strengthen military drones during the US Wars.

Since today, hydrogen capacity was more common for military drones. Ability to expand the range, according to Andy Kelly, it became attractive for commercial use such as attractive use, power lines and sea wind farms for commercial use Smart energyNow a British company using hydrogen fuel cells used in drones sold by several US companies to the defense department.

“They will be able to stay in the air, they will be able to collect so much information,” Mr. Kelly. “They are the key to long distance intelligence.”

Hydrogen systems can maintain three times more energy than the equal weight of lithium batteries, said Drone allows the operator to carry more weight.

Fuel cells, as well as controlled drones, Mr. Kelly’s controlled drones and other sensors, Mr. Kelly’s drones can be reused more than recycled batteries, he said.

The research of the conflict arms research Near the Yemen, the company named a policy of a renewable policy near the fact that the researchers are completed in the hands of various institutions.

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