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I earn more than 300 kg, but only $ 546k in the savings of retirement. Can I save more when supporting my family?

Financial Advisor and Cups Writer Michele Cagan
Financial Advisor and Cups Writer Michele Cagan

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I’m 48 years old. I earned $ 310,000 last year and now I have $ 546,000 in my workplace retirement plan. My wife is in disability and does not work and does not have a 401 (k) plan. I wanted to open a Roth IRA, but I read a lot of money. Should I save more money to retire? It is borrowed other than the mortgage I try to get rid of my daughter before going to college. What would you advise?

– Nilda

Navigation retirement Account rules can be confusing and frustrating, it seems difficult to save as much as you want. You already have a solid foundation to build and have more options than you can get your deposit beef.

Although you have a work plan plan, you can still make a contribution Traditional IRAAlthough your contribution is desperate. You can also create a spousal IRA for your husband and contribute. While making a lot of money to contribute directly to a Roth IRA, you can contribute through a Roth Ira of the back.

When it comes to your mortgage, when your interest rate is below 4%, it may not make additional payments and it will be worth saving or investing in this money. For example, high-income savings accounts are currently 5%. One yearly certificates of the deposit (CD) even pays 5.5% or more. Remember that because deposits or investments are not in the official tax-preferred pension account, do not mean you cannot use it to retire.

Take into account Talk to a financial adviser For more help and for planning for retirement.

A woman considers the remains of his IRA and the pension plan of the workplace.
A woman considers the remains of his IRA and the pension plan of the workplace.

Anyone can contribute to both a plan of work plan and a traditional IRA, but your contribution cannot be extracted depending on your income.

You can contribute to an IRA to an IRA for 2023 to an IRA up to $ 6,500 ($ 7,500) to 6500 ($ 7500).

However, if you have a retirement plan at a workplace such as 401 (k) of your spouse, this contribution is not only partially deducted or completely deducted. Although you are not able to make a current tax discount for your contribution, you will still receive a tax deferred growth. Growth and profit are taxed when retiring.

Another plus: The presence of money in IRA gives you the choice of converting you to a Roth IRA. (And if you need help to plan your Roth conversion, Talk to Financial Advisor.)

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