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Ill-Fated Moon Lander Unexpectedly Woke Up and Sent One Last Message

Space can be an unforgivable place. Last week, he was switched along the surface of the month and ended in a cold, dark crater and ended before his mission ended. Now the newly discovered details by Houston-based Aerospace, Athena Landeri’s new apartments and Kapacraft have fallen as soon as possible.

Athena Touched the lunar surface Thursday, March 6, a week-long week a week. Lander, in the shallow crater in the Monson region of the month, 820 feet (250 meters) ended in the Targeted Landing site. Less than one day from the touch, Athens was declared dead. But now, Intuitive machines have CEO Steve Altemus obvious The company was not dead during the arrival of Aysar Landeri and did not end before the time of the “pressing the mission”.

Intuitive machines also broadcast a 360-degree image of the Lander’s four wooden cameras.

On the way to the father, Athena’s Altimeter failed, ie, Lander, could not measure how much from the lunar surface. As a result, Lander hit a plateau in a month, overturned on top and passed over the surface before ending in a small crater. ARS TECHNICA. While gliding in the cornged area of ​​the South Pole of the month, Lander, some hit dust from the surface that ends the solar panels. In addition to the location next to Lander, dust, Athens will have little chance that the solar panels can use for power.

As part of Lander NASA, NASA was full of scientific tools and tools Trade Aysar Download Services (CLPS) program. Immediately after the touch, the team, Altemus, Before the Athens Batteries were completely exhausted, accelerated the share loading operations before the full exhaustion of the Athens batteries. “We have collected extraordinary valuable information for our customers in a total of 12 hours surface operations,” he said.

The second visit of these intuitive machines to the moon, and the second, its large time is over. The company launched the first lunar landerOdysseus, in February 2024. Odysseus managed to reach the surface of the moon, but the decline was not so smooth. One of the legs of Lander was caught during landing, he was raised on his side and lie on top of a rock. The mission operated over seven days on the lunar surface, and intuitive machines were therefore the first company that took a private place in the month.

Athena was not lucky, but there were a number of words for the team. “In the last moments of the mission, Athens Powered. Unexpectedly, the land was once woke up once, sent a resonant transmission outside technology – it was personal,” Alemus wrote. “Athens’s latest data transfer, which is the names of the team member of each intuitive machine that makes the mission possible.”

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