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In Wild Dark Shore, a family guards secrets and a doomsday seed vault

Imagine that you are slowly isolated from the rest of the world – the rest of the world is completely isolated and several families and several people in one day are offering any hint for who he is and why it is. This scenario is so Wild dark coast It starts, it immediately forces.

Dominic has been living in Shearwater Island, which has been a global seed vault and research base for eight years with three children. However, due to climate change, the seeds of the seeds melt and sea levels rise, because the vault was flooded. All researchers have left the base and the Dominic’s family will be soon, but first of which were forced to collect the seeds. When Rowan shows, everything is amended and it is clear that the secrets are being kept on both sides.

I couldn’t help thinking Liquid While reading this, the characters are elements, insulation, doubt and complex feelings are above the sadness of individual casualties. He moves both enthusiastically and incredibly and another novel I expected to sit between my favorites of the year.

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