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India said he was involved in the Canadian Party elections

The general election of the former Canadian, Pierre Poilievre, Prime Minister Erdogan, the general election of the former Canadian, Prime Minister Erdogan, defended the Indian government on Tuesday.

Canadian intelligence officials, Mr. Poilievre of Indian agents and vocuments, Mr. Poilievre won the 2022 conservative party leadership competition, said in the media in Canadian news media. Intelligence officials, Mr Poilievre or close to him, said there was no evidence that people close to the intervention.

Condition, Mr. Poilievre affected the result of the leadership race earned in the first round trip, and 68 percent of the votes.

However, India’s participation is receiving concerns about the news of Mr. Poilievre to ask for the best security clearance to obtain the classified briefings to intervene in Canada by foreign countries. The only federal party leader Mr. Poilievre said they would say what can be said in the public, who refused to clear the top security.

Canadian intelligence officials did not inform the fact that India’s intervention in 2022 does not provide the necessary security clearance for Mr Poilievre Sphere and mailwhich reported the first report to the intervention.

One year of public questioning As an external intervention in Canada, India determined as one of the main actors, stating that he was with China, he said he believed in India. A intelligence report Last year, India’s released India’s “Canadian leadership” was interfered with a conservative party. “

However, on Tuesday reports were the first to connect Mr. Poilievre’s intervention in India’s 2022 competitions.

Mr Poilievre said at a press conference on Tuesday, “he won the leadership exhibition and square.”

He made the opposition to admitting the top security clearance.

“I do not want me to talk about these issues,” Mr. Poilievre said the liberal leadership would want to apply him to the “Oath of Privacy”.

Mr Poilievre, Mr. Carney’s thoughts with Carney in China, as a former chairman of the Global Investment Company Brookfield Asset Manager.

CARNEY CARNEY, who called Justin Trudeau, than two weeks after success, Mr. Poilievre decided not to ask for security officials. “It was irresponsible.”

Yves-François Blanchet, Blank Québéveis, supported independence for Quebie and the Federal parliament for the federal parliament only said he was never in the mouth after security clearance in the French-Desept province. Dear Poilievre, he chose to prevent clearance and classified briefings to protect the conservative candidates who had to get out of more competitions.

Mr Blanchet’s statement, Conservative Party spokesman, Mr Poilievre asked about a guards who did not apply to the news conference.

Annual Society request revealed interdets by China and India in two previous elections in Canada. The Chinese government and its proxies, especially during the early leadership of Trudea, have pushed friendly relations with Beijing, which supported the candidates of the Liberal Party.

China also tried to shake conservative candidates who took a hard line against China and criticized the human rights record.

On the contrary, the Indian government has held tense relations with a liberal party accused of the Sikh-Canada accused of promoting a separate state in India. Historically, the Indian government has friendly relations with the Conservative Party.

Stephen Harper said that the old conservative Prime Minister served as a recent ministry during his visit to India recently said “heartwarming“About the bad relationship between India and Canada. In the past two years, Mr. Trudeau has deteriorated the assassination of a densely-Canadian activist in Vancouver in Vancouver.

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