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Is in the case of Francis. What happens when a pope dies?

The Catholic world remains a critical condition in the Roman hospital due to Pope Francis, 88-year-old Pope Francis, complex lung infection and other serious diseases.

Taid on Tuesday morning, the Vatican, Francis responded all night, and said that he had responded to therapy and developed lightly, he said a day later.

Cardinals gathered in front of St. Peter’s evening on Monday evening to make a rosary for the Pope.

Here’s what you know about his condition and how the work will pass.

Francis’s initial respiratory tract infection, developed in pneumonia in both lungs, but other complications appeared during the hospital.

Had a respiratory crisis that resulted in the highges of additional oxygen. On Sunday, the Vatican announced that he suffered from the initial, mild kidney failure, which was “under governance.”

He is treated with different drugs and doctors said they were a calibrated problem.

Given the age of age and lung disease, doctors were protected about his forecast.

The fate of Francis is still unclear, and the times of the centuries, which are designed for centuries to ensure a mystery and regular passage, are honored rituals. Carefully a choreographic page, the stream is the most dramatically ordering a church.

The death of the Pope is immediately confirmed by the Cardinal Subyline of the Holy Roman Church, the head of the Vatican Health Department and the Vatican’s de facto administrator. The pope’s body is dressed in a White Kassok and is brought to the Pope’s private worship.

Cardinal Chamberlain in Italian, Camerlengo, is now a position Cardinal Kevin Joseph Farrell77-year-old American of Irish origin. Those and other officials gather in Chapel for the ceremony with the Pope’s family. The body was made of wood and placed in a coffin covered with zinc. Pope wears a red, miter and pallium placed next to him.

After the ceremony, Camerlengo prepares a document confirming the doctor’s document report that confirms the death of the Pope. The papalype provides private documents and seals their apartments, and in the case of Francis, the Vatican city is a large part of the second floor in the living room.

Also, using the ceremony with a ceremony using the ceremony to seal the documents, the ceremony is the destruction of the fisherman’s ring, using the Pope’s leakage.

Francis brought a unpretentious style to church – to reject your perfect outfits and Ornate papal apartments. His plans continue until the end, a number of funeral pomp and return ceremony.

In rewriting the funeral in 2024 Francis simplified several elements. Popes bodies since the 13th century went to the public scenes, the facilities placed in a large pedestrian. When John Paul died in II in 2005The body was first brought to the Apostolian palace for the first time for other members of the Cardinals, bishops and church hierarchies, as well as for prominent casualties.

Francis moved away from this kind look. Instead, a public image will occur directly on Holy Peter’s basilica, here for thousands of years to respect for Poplar. But the body will remain in the coffin that will not pass a raised foot. “Francis decided to emphasize humble over the praise,” he said, a church historian Agostino Paravicini Bagliani.

Cardineal College, the day and the day, on the day and a street headed by Camerlengon, who led by the holy Peter’s body, decides on a day.

The body of the Pope and burial should take place between four and six days after his death, and the funeral will last 9 days in various churches in Rome.

Past Poplar Three Innocuments, one of the cypress, one of the sink and one of the science. However, as part of the rule of rule of Francis, he said he would be buried in a coffin, it was lined in the wood and zinc.

He closes the coffin one night from the funeral. Papa’s face is covered with a white silk cover and buried with a bag of canistant or deeds and a bag buried in a brief way in a brief manner with his hat or deal. Rogito is read aloud before the coffin is closed.

The new rules also allow the Pope to bury Peter in another church from Basilica. Francis, instead of the basilica of St. Mary Majini, a dear church and once Maryam wanted to pray in front of a symbol of Maryam.

Dean of Cardinals College for 15-20 days from the death of the Pope, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, 91, the cardinals will call for Rome, to be known as a result to choose Francis’s success.

The period between the death of a pope and the choice of the new one is called the Sede Vacante or “Seat empty.” During this period, the Cardineal College continues to control the general control of the church, but it is prohibited from making any major decision.

When the cardinals meet, they gather in Sistine Chapel. All cardinal voters must swear by secret voting. Only Cardinals under 80 have the right to vote. Two-thirds are required to choose a new pope and is part of the political process.

Cardinals are not allowed to leave the connection, except in rarely. The word instantly – in the Latin “with the key” – it refers to the isolations applied to them, which is aware of dragging the election process.

In additional period Cardinals live in Casa Santa Marta John Paul is based on orders of Paul II To replace the improvisation room arrangements at the Papal Palace, which previously placed them.

Cardinals voted again votes until the majority of two in three. After every vote, the smoke is released through a chimney, St. Peter may seem from St. Peter’s square, where the crowd is generally released through a chimney. If there is a majority of sound without a majority, smoke black.

When a decision is made, the smoke is white.

Inside the Vatican, the Dean of the college asks if he accepted his work from the selected heir. After receiving yes, Dean asks the name he wanted to be called as the Pope.

The Kapapel’s new hat wears a white cassoc. After greeting the cardinals, a high cardinal, Latin, “Habemus Pope” or “We have a pope” or “We have a pope.”

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