Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Were not supposed to fight.
In 1948, Ultra Orthodox, known as the establishment of Israel, the leaders of the new nation, or a fear of God, they agreed to be tried for the mandatory military service. In return, Haredi leaders supported the secular state.
Regulation for the first 75 years of Israel, Hamas is on October 7, 2023.
The war in Gaza was drawn Hundreds of thousands of Israelis Battle – but hardly any ultra orthodox. Dynamic sharp tensions boiling for years.
An average of 6 children in a family, which is now 14% of the nation, and in 1948, amounting to 14 percent. In 40 years in the trace To take into account half of all Israel children.
As the number of Harbedimum increases, many Israeli, Harbedim annoyed that he was sent to the fight against their children and daughters when he received the Torah’s Torah’s Torah.
Last summer, the tension was open. Under the pressure, the Israeli Supreme Court, Ultra Orthodox managed not free from the service. The military has ordered orders for 10,000 Haregi men since today. Showed for a total of 338 tasks.
Israel now opposes one of his music and most fundamental dilemmas: the fastest growing sect does not serve the servicemen.
After the decision of the Supreme Court, the New York Times, the three Harnedians, who represented the roads allocated for Haredim and Israel, began after the young people.
The Torry in 19, 19 studies as 14 hours a day and his father. He objected to the decision of the Supreme Court, and the armed service is not only a sin, but also a threat to the traditions of Ultra Orthodox.
It was 18, the former Ultra Orthodox seminary student, the Itamar Greenberg also protested the Israeli state, but the reasons are not religious. “We made massacre in Gaza,” he said.
Yechiel Wais, 19, once he was in a seminary, but there are a life dreams outside the Ultra Orthodox community and went to work power. Then the project orders came.
“It is not an entrance ticket to the Israeli society,” Mr. Wais informed about a position in the Israeli army. “But it is a minimum required.”
Grow, Mr. Wais wore a black-and-white suit. Like most ultra orthodox men, it was her only outfit practically.
But for a year for the purium, many children dressed in a Jewish holiday, as an Israeli soldier when wearing clothes. The Israeli lived near the Air Force base and foamed F-16 fighter jets watching the fence.
Her thought, the growing Harmal boy, who grown to be a soldier, felt impossible. “I didn’t even dream about it,” he said.
Ultra Orthodox men are expected to devote to the life of education and prayer. For many, the external, secular world contains isolation: there is no internet, television and radio.
Mr. Wais’s house, even the CD player was “Kosher” – a radio antenna was removed. One day, when Mr. Wais listened to music, suddenly heard a voice through a static. Headphones had requested a radio signal. After that, he used a very different world and spent hours by listening to the radio.
This was the beginning of a stiff Ultra Orthodox life. When he reached the age of 17 in 2022, his parents said he wanted to launch Yeshiva. They were stunned but they got acquainted. They took him to a shopping center to buy clothes for his new life.
He found a job outside of Tel Aviv. Then, when he heard about the decision of the Supreme Court, he found a new way to fight for his country.
Mr Krausz has no interest in the secular Israeli society.
Most of the time before marriage, he carries the Lord in the hands of the LORD, who is in any contact with women and in any contact with women. Fast-filled ultra-orthodox neighborhoods are unlikely that the signs are on the family home, including the above-house, to wear humble to wear humble.
This is what he wants to live.
Thousands of Haredi men receive government subsidies in Israel and the teaching of the Torah, and their wives often work. Harged in Israel, 53% of Harned men are used against 80 percent of women. Employment rates have exceeded 80 percent for non-ultra orthodox Israelites.
Hardedi population is also flown – from 40,000 to 1.3 million in 1948.
Mr. Krausz is one of the 18 children. In the four-room house, people lie around the dinner room. Wants the same big family. “The better,” he said. Their parents are looking for a wife for her.
The government has long financed one-fifth of the Yeshivas’ budget; Donors cover the rest. Earlier this year, the Israeli court taught Yeshivas to Yeshivas, who teaches military-age men, more Haredim to the military.
The decision does not bother Mr. Krausz. One of the reasons for the military service is to oppose the concept of the Israeli state.
Mr Krausz’s opposing Yahadut Hehardi said that Christ should not be a Jewish state until Christ arrived.
A few weeks before the military during the military, Mr. Wais set off a night with friends. Mr. Wais slipped into the car and said, “Sitting on his left is sweaty.”
Indeed, “Left” was a really left ideologically and sweaty, Mr. Greenberg. He came directly from the Antiwar demonstration and had labels in his shirt.
The two came together before social media and the young Hardedi, who was trying to adapt to society, created friendships like men.
At the age of 12, Mr. Greenberg dreams of life beyond the confidence, as a censored version of the Internet as a guide. “The only way to be part of a part of the Israeli society will be prepared,” he said. “It was one of the most accurate realizations in my life.”
Up to 16, his thoughts were developed further and left. Vegan believed in God and developed a violent opposition to Israel’s occupation.
It also prepares ultra orthodox, but for different reasons. “Ultra Orthodox is important to integrate people into the Israeli society,” he said. “And work for equality. But I do not care about the equality in killing and oppression.”
In the car, Jerusalem, Mr. Wais and Mr. Greenberg, was exchanging drilling. They drank colorful cocktails in a friend’s apartment and then served traditional Jewish foods as a chopped liver and stingy, like a slow-cooked casserole. Finally the conversation turned into politics.
“I do not want to participate in a system that made such a crime,” Mr. Greenberg told Mr. Wais in the car.
“What crimes?” Mr. Wais replied.
“You want a list?” Mr Greenberg said.
This would be together their last night. Both of them were designed. While Mr. Wais prepared for the main training, Mr Greenberg was preparing to report a military prison as a conscientious protest. His Ultra Orthodox family, including his father, including the army reserves, accepted the unique Harnedian man.
His bed was not accepted by his friends. Once in prison, Mr. Greenberg realized that he was not as active as his comrades, but there were soldiers accused of crimes. They threatened him and threatened, and saplers sometimes put him in private to protect him. “They hate the army,” he said, “But they hate more about other prisoners.”
Last month, after 197 days, five separate prisoners were arrested throughout his eyes, Mr. Greenberg came out of prison for his last time. “The army decided to set me free” saidHe was dressed in a green shirt with smiley faces.
“But the wider goal was to build a better future for everyone from Jordan,” he said. “I haven’t ended up yet.”
Hundreds of Haredi in the last few decades opposed their male communities and volunteered for military service, but most of the war. Mr. Wais wanted to be different: wanted to fight.
“I don’t like the war.” “But I like to move on the street – soldiers and rockets.”
After a medical examination after a medical examination, military officials said they were not cut for war. Instead, he would protect the plane.
In August, Israel came to the northern Air Force base and a unit of two other Haredi soldiers was appointed. Mechanics have poured their traditional black-and-white clothes for ‘jumps, but kept Kipas or Traditional Skullcaps. Many worn common, or side curves between Ultra Orthodox. Mr. Wais had previously shaved the years.
Their barracks and lunchtops left other soldiers to prevent women who can disrupt the principles of Haredi. Their food was also cooked until hard kosher standards. They prayed for two or three hours a day and read religious texts – most Mr. Wais said he learned the seminary.
“There is no soldier who can complain about how we deal with religious issues here,” he said.
In the last day, Mr. Wais and two fellow Haredi soldiers were the latest training for the F-16 fighter jet. They were the same planes used to watch as a child.
After that, the soldiers gathered for a sermon of Harthy Rabbi. They prepared the next day to graduate from training.
“We are in the middle of all the greatest war of everyone,” said the Lord, David Viseman and teenagers.
“You must prepare their lives to stick to the good in the world,” he said. “To delete evil.”
Now the Israeli Air Force works as an airman who has a special Ultra Orthodox unit of 105th Scorpio Squadron.
“We are new pioneers,” he said. “We marched at the top of a movement.”
For Mr Krausz, my haredim in the military is also bad.
“I look at any Jew,” said the shabbat, “he said, referring to the Jewish holiday day. “It is forbidden to love them.”
Forged secular soldiers more. “Of course, they do not know better,” said a strawberry-kiwi scented vape on the table of the dining room, shelves of religious texts behind him.
His greatest fear is the survival of the Ultra Orthodox belief in the event of Haregi to fight.
After the decision of the Supreme Court, Mr Krausz joined thousands of other Harned men on the streets. The crowds around a appeal and harassed Hardi projects.
The Israeli army said that Harmedi men were said to ignore the statements of “can look at criminal sanctions.”
Unlike Mr. Greenberg, who turned to power, Mr. Krausz and their peers were mainly results.
Any effort to force them to serve, Mr. Krausz warned, not lightly accepted.
“We are ready to die for not going to the army,” he said.
Myra Noveck Israeli brought Jerusalem and Haifa and Haifa.