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Last chance! Last 24 hours to save up to $325 on Sessions: AI

Tonight is night and the clock is full to sign up TechCrunch sessions: AI Super early bird prices. Register before 11:59, you can save up to $ 325 in transitions!

TC sessions: AI, Expo Hall, an AI pioneers with interactive breakout and unparalleled network capabilities, the main scene of the AI ​​through the main stage sessions will bring flexible concepts to the world’s leading and developed world. If you want to know about the experience of experienced AI whiz or only AI, June 5 Join a remembered day at Zellerbach Hall in Berkeley on June 5.

Register before 11:59 Tonight, save up to PT $ 325!

A Wealth EU Definition

AI industry leaders and vibrations will join TC sessions: EU to share invaluable concepts with the main stage. The event has a small image of who you can learn.

Jae Lee, CEO, twelve laboratory

Jae Lee Techcrunch Sessions: AI 5 June, 2025
Jae Lee will speak CEO in twelve laboratory, TechCrunch sessions: AI 5 June 2025 in Zellerbach Hall in Berkeley in Berkeley on June 5, 2025.Photo credits:Twelve labs

As a co-founder and CEO Twelve labsJae Lee is a mission to analyze and understand and understand the analysis and analysis and understanding of the mass video of developers and enterprises. Lee leads the development of developed multimodal foundation models to push the boundaries of strong video intelligence in the AI.

Jae Sara Hooker will take the main stage with Sarah Hooker to discuss VP’s “how to build the existing basic models”.

Oliver Cameron, co-founder and CEO, Odyssey

Oliver Cameron TechCrunch sessions: AI 5 June, 2025
Oliver Cameron, co-founder and CEO, Odyssey Techcrunch sessions will talk about the main stage in TechCrunch sessions: AI 5 in Zellerbach Hall in Berkeley in Berkeley on June 20, 2025.Photo credits:Odysey

Oliver Cameron looks at the next border of artificial intelligence at the beginning of AI Odysey. Odyssey “The world, interactive worlds is a real-time movie,” world models “. Before Odyssey, Cameron was a co-founder and CEO of the autonomous vehicle Voyage.

Cameron joins TC sessions: Talk to the AI ​​main stage Small companies may arise against those founded In the fast-growing and rapidly changing AI market.

Kanu Gulati, Partner, Pleasant Enterprises

Kanu Gulati TechCrunch sessions: AI 5 June, 2025
Kanu Gulati, partner, Khosla businesses will talk about the main stage in the TechCrunch sessions: AI 5 in 2025 at Berkeley in Zellerbach Hall.Photo credits:Facilities with hoses

Kanu Gulati has pushed the boundaries of an innovation, whether it’s in a research laboratory or VC. As a partner Facilities with hosesGulati invests in transformative AI, robotics and autonomous systems and supports companies such as Polyay, Rigie and Waabi. The gulati was a scientist in Intel and Cadence, if it was previously over a year, was a co-founder of more than one beginning, two of them were taken.

Kanu will join a partner in Jill Chase, a partner on “Seed from Seed to C. C.”

Artemis Seaford, head of AI security, OneDevenlab

TechCrunch Sessions: AI Artemis Seaford
Elevanlab, Artemis Seaford, the head of the EU security, will talk about the main stage in TechCrunch sessions: AI 5 on June 2025 in Zellerbach Hall in Berkeley on June 5, 2025.Photo credits:Onelabs

As the leader of AI security OnelabsArtemis is dedicated to the establishment of EU systems in charge. Earlier, he directed the efforts of Openai to ensure the safe placement of their models and the geopolitical and controversial threats of the metal. With a JD, a JD from the Doctor of Political Science and Stanford, International Policy, Legal Basics and Civil Society.

Jill Chase, partner, capitalg

Jill Chase TechCrunch Sessions: AI 5 June, 2025
In Captag, partner Jill Chase will talk about the main stage in the techcrunch sessions: AI 5 in Zellerbach Hall in Berkeley on June 20, 2025.Photo credits:Capital

As an investment partner CapitalJill Chase leads the AI ​​investment experience for the independent growth fund. With a background working with head googlers and AI experts, AI / ML has cleared the thesis of an AI / ML and worked with leading founders and technologists in space.

Jill has invested in magic, / dev / agents and motifs in equity. He also lectures in the Stanford Graduate School, the CEO of private capital supported the company’s CEO and established a supported start of the Y Combinator.

Jill and Kanu will take the stage to each other for a deep dive from seed to the Seed to the C series: “What to wait from the founders”.

Sarah hooker, research vp, co da

Co. VP will talk about the main stage in the Earth VP, TechCrunch sessions will talk about the main stage: AI 5 in Zellerbach Hall in Berkeley in Berkeley on June 5, 2025 AI.Photo credits:Chris Behroozian

Like the leader Crease For AI, advanced research in the learning of Sarah Hooker is to solve complex challenges and push the AI ​​borders. Before joining Co., he gave significant contributions to the Google brain, focused on effective model preparation and multi-criteria optimization. His job ensures that AI models are only strong and interpretive, effective, fair and strong. COLARE, it is a team dedicated to the more efficient, safe and good substantiation of large language models. The Mila AI Institute has established a doctorate, a valid ML initiative and advised organizations such as Kaggle and the World Economic Forum. In 2024, the time in the AI ​​recognized him between 100 most influential people.

Want to join the action? If you are an AI specialist who can have deep discussions with innovators and entrepreneurs, we want to see you in TechCrunch sessions: AI! Apply until March 7 For your experience, for the chance to help develop the minds of future AI leaders.

Last call for these incredible prices

To take a stranger to learn and network – AI specialists, Sign up for TechCrunch sessions: Now to ensure your location and to save at least $ 300 AI. Be aware, prices will be raised this evening after 11:59.

Want more deals and promotions for techcrunch such events like this? Subscribe to our TechCrunch measures Bulletin And you will be something that will know when it happens.

Hear your voice in TechCrunch sessions: AI

AI specialist in technology innovators and powerful discussions with entrepreneurs? We want to hear from you! Apply until March 7 For a chance to share your examination and shape the future of the AI ​​community.

Is your company interested in sponsoring or exhibiting in TechCrunch sessions? AI? Contact our sponsorship sales team to fill this form.

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