Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
Physical Address
304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
This is dangerous There are epifania while shaving. However, in this case, it was inevitable: my epiphania was about shaving.
During the past few weeks, it was a bit like a little George Clooney on my bathroom diary O brother, what are you?Minus from smelly Dapper. I shaved with a brush and bowl with a shaving soap, an old single knife, single edge, uncorrected security razor.
In particular, the leaves are tichon-stylish and well-sold and unique “aggressive” one-edge razor, home knives are thin, and the waffles are thin, “I’m not plastic.” The less attacker leaves is called a single edge razor stick and it means to be thinner than thorn. All are very cute.
But what I have learned, after the week, smooth shaving with the bridge is what I’m wrong.
Epifany was something that first seemed to be open: the best and the safest knife is always sharp. This The best kitchen knife is the one you keep sharp. The same goes for scissors and for knives that you put on your face. The leaf was closely and in a good manner as any ghost cartridge blade, the low-tech, simple single knife, which I tried the market. The reason was mostly sharp.
Photo: Matthew Korchage
Because there is something here: It doesn’t matter to get a 4-layer accumulated knife boss with whistles, lights and a 15-layer accumulated. Boring blades are terrible and are boring with all blades use. When the knives are boring, they begin to sit on my hair instead of cutting it, and the skin is causing little nicknames when the skin pinches. Unfortunately, modern boss-based shaving knives in the supermarket are expensive and are often unfavorable to replace: about $ 30 or $ 10 or $ 40 for $ 10 or $ 40.
Adds the price. Time The magazine knew this game in 1927: “As everyone knows, security razor manufacturers have made a rich scheme for safety to earn money in knives, not changed knives A little mythHowever, the logic of the shaving is accidental: the money is in blades.
So I resist the change for a very long time. Then pay the price. Gillette and other razors are also good for a few weeks of blade cartridges, their own coarse, bad, steel coated stubby tend to eat a whole boss than I want to replace it. So I continue to pay for either knife parts or have no good, very bad shave.
The leaf offers the theory of shaving education: money handle. Cheap, small and local instead of knives. The thorn heart is an old security razor. Whether it’s a classic-or absence of a pretty good old security knife Stars Platinum (A half of the edge of the half must be halved) or leaves their own knives. Hundreds of packages are less than a 20-dollar bill.
Photo: Leaf