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Marjorie Taylor Greene calls for the FDA approval of Covid-19 vaccine

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., USA announced that food and drug management Covid-19 vaccines Jabs’ should yanked by claiming that “constant damage and death”.

“Covid-19 For vaccine, the FDA needs to be confirmed and a childhood vaccine schedule should be accepted asap.”

Introduces children and adolescents in centers for disease control and prevention include an immunization schedule COVID-19 Vaccination recommendations for children 6 months and above.

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Rep. MarjorIe Taylor Grounde in Hearing Congress

Government Efficiency (DOGE) Renovated Tyile, RG G Greene, R-Ga. (Anna MoneyMaker / Getty Images)

Greene claims that the jubs never confirmed in the first place.

“Covid-19 should never confirm the vaccines and know how bad the side effects were, and how bad the deaths are. Covid-19 stop vaccination,” he said.

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However, CDC notes, “Covid-19 vaccine, is recommended for everyone for anyone for 6 months old and greater than Covid-19.

“Myocarditis and pericarditis are rarely observed after the receiving of Covid-19 vaccine used in the United States,” CDC shows.

“Proof of more than one monitoring system MRNA COVID-19 vaccines (Modera or Pfizer-biontech) and Miyocarditis and Pericarditis) have the most commonly occurred and other children (modern and pfizer-biontech), women and others are doses.”

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Rep. Thomas massie FDA also expressed the view of the approval for Covid-19 vaccines.

“FDA must immediately cancel the approval of these images,” he said.

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