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Meta and Internet Society team up to expand internet access around the world

Meta and Internet society set up a link to the connection that aims to expand the world affordable Internet connection. They announced the new project Mobile World Congress In Barcelona, ​​in Spain. The partners are investing in $ 30 million by 2030, so that these are not taken into account in various communities, especially ignored or commercial providers. In addition, the initiative will be directed to the training programs that develop the vicinity of marginalized grounds, marginalized grounds, as well as local nets, as well as technically generations to local networks.

Expansion of this non-profit organization Partnership with metaIn Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America have begun when they started to develop internet connection years ago when they started to develop an Internet connection years ago. These points or IXPS are physical places where internet providers can exchange traffic.

Meta is the first partner for the joint initiative of the Internet society, and the non-commercial orgu calls for more partners that can help the Foundation grow. “This new communication initiative, supported by meta, is an example of collective action, which will provide meaningful access to more than 2 billion people in the world, or there is no internet,” he said. “This fund is hoping to reduce this gap and create a key role in this Foundation in creating a better digital society.”

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