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Microsoft, Amy Coleman is making a new chief man officer

Microsoft’s Amy Coleman (L) and Kathleen Hogan (R).

Source: Microsoft

Microsoft On Wednesday, Veteran Amy Coleman’s company Kathleen Hogan was successful, and the president of the new executive Deputy President, who fulfilled the task for the last ten years, was the officer.

Hogan will remain the vice president of the executive, but will go to a newly established strategy and transformation office, which is expanding the CEO office. It will be connected to the top managers of Microsoft, which reported directly to CEO Satya nadella.

Coleman, Microsoft’s biggest employers in the United States passes through the largest employers in June 2024.

Hogan will remain in a high leadership team.

“Amy has been written by” Nadella “, which has been partnering between HR, Engineering, Sales, Marketing and Business Development for the company for the company’s corporate functions in the last six years. memo to employees.

“At that time, because we have developed our culture, our employees have built a group of work, and our employees have built our group of relations, and have a very cross-group building, but also became a valid consultant for me.

Hogan came after a partner development manager in Oracle and McKirless in 2003. Under Hogan, Microsoft has developed some human resource practices. Stressed the importance of one of the employees growth mentality Instead of a fixed mindset, Psychologist is painting over concepts from Carol Dweck.

“Indeed, the performance review system to change our session,” Hogan, “said,” Hogan ” Interview of 2019 with businessman.

Hogan pushes managers to assess the entry of employees and the entry of changes in operating internal sexual harassment cases.

Coleman was the Deputy Corporate Chairman for Microsoft’s human resources and corporate functions in the last four years. It was responsible for the 200-hour employee in this role and led the development of Microsoft’s hybrid business approach, as well as the development of the company’s Covid response HR aspect of the company LinkedIn profile.

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