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Microsoft and Asus Might Make the Xbox Handheld a Reality

Microsoft hesitated in a pain to offer a version of well-paired windows with a 8-inch screen. Now the most recent rumors are finally able to get cross integration between Xbox and Windows, which are finally established specifically and no one else can act as a torchearer for a new console Steam deck.

This week ago, Windows Center Microsoft said he planned to open the game this year. Wednesday, Eve Some aspects of the WC report confirmed, but also offered himself to the future plans of Microsoft. According to non-close sources of Microsoft, Xbox is called Xbox Ali Kennan project (Windows Central “Keenan is called” Keenan “, but developed by Microsoft itself, asus.

The new Asus Ali will be Xbox brand and Windows Central, such a hand can include the internal “X” button that you can find on the X console. As for Ergonomics, we can look like the company’s design of the current ROG ally. We can also expect to use a new chip like this Amd Ryzen Z2 Extreme. In January, we held the first views of a new manual APU in CES.

Asus, Rog Ally and ROG Ally X-Last is a company with our favorite big budget. Do you know who is a fan of the ally? Xbox CEO Phil Spencer. He also said in one last year Report with IGN. It makes sense to have only two companies partner. This is a similar situation with valves and Lenovo. Steamholders opened so much steam platform Future Lenovo Legion Go s. There is one The version with Windows is already available, However, this year the evaporation should include this year.

This probable asus manual will still be Windows-based, but with a Xbox Ui with papered. Verge noted that there will be “Total Xbox UI” between many types of devices. We can assume that it will be like the present Xbox app Get a little redesigned To do better work on the hand last year. The real question is whether it is playing beautiful with the diversity of other game launchers such as the steam or epic game store. Because there are still windows, we can assume that you can also access other applications for the emulation of the game.

The new UX called “Project Bayside” is likely to create an experience like a new UX, Hands or Combo Xbox-Windows framework called “Project Bayside”. It can be included in an application store inherent in their games. Microsoft will be a store that is popular as steam, Lenovo, ASUS, ASUS, MSI and more likable OEM may want to get the experience of “Default”.

The Windows Center report, Xbox series has also noted its plans to follow Microsoft console from X / S. The next gene presenter can come in 2027 and can be more like a PC than traditional Xbox. Microsoft would only make this sense because it should use the new UX. Outlet, the console even noted that third-party gaming shops, including steam, he said.

If you want to imagine the capabilities of an Xbox hand, you can See this DIY designReduces the original Xbox board to sit inside a handbelt with a screen. We hope that Microsoft’s design is not very good, but do you know what nostalgic players are going? Bring back the black-and-white buttons.

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