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Migrants moved by Trump to Panama They found themselves closed and limbo

The first buses of the newly released migrants were a prominent illegal when he came from a ceremony on a jungle in a jungle in Panama this month. A lawyer in need of HIV, said that the other was suffering from the seizure of insulin and seized a third lawyer.

Confusion, chaos and fears were judged. “What am I going to do?” A migrant was interested in loud. “Where do I go?”

These are part of the President’s sweeping efforts to go to Panama from Panama to Panama by dozens of migrants.

First there were Panhamanian officials locked the group from about 300 people in a hotel. Then those who did not accept return to home countries were sent A protected camp in the edge of a jungle. Finally, after a claim and one voice from human rights groups, Panamania released the deportedBus to the city of Panama again.

Now, the remaining migrants – Iran, Afghanistan, Cameroon, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Uzbekistan and other places, but in a country that are not wanted, many have been closed in a country of school gymnasium.

Interviews with 25 deportations said that the Trump leadership took place after the United States and reached the Central America.

The region appeared as a key cog in deportation machines, President Trump is trying to walk high.

However, Washington decided to send migrants from the world to the Central America, and left the remaining people in the nations, which were tested, tested, no support networks or long-term legal status.

Most of the migrants in Panama said that when he came to the United States, the officials are afraid to return to their countries, but it is not officially given an opportunity to seek refuge.

A delegation for the Homeland Security Department, Tricia McLaughlin, in an email, said that the migrants were “properly removed” from the United States. He added that “none of these foreigners claimed to be the fear of returning to their countries at any point during processing.”

“The US government must be managed by humanitarian groups in Panama for the well-being of this foreigner,” he said.

Since the office, Mr. Trump has sent hundreds of migrants to hundreds of migrants, if the US government is planning to continue.

“If there are more aircraft than the United States, so I do not know honestly,” Panama President Raul Mulino said this month. “I’m not very inclined to do it because they leave us with a problem.”

The trapped in Panama, 34-year-old Hedayatullah Zazai, along with US special forces and American consultants, covers a man who serves as an official in the Afghan army. After the seized the Taliban, he fled to Pakistan, then Iran, then flew into Brazil and toured the United States in the South and Central America to reach the US border.

Deportants also include several Afghan women in the Armenian ethnic minority, which said they face persecution under the Taliban, which said they were under the threat of the house.

Another deportation, 37, a Amhara woman who traveled alone in Ethiopia, a Amhara woman, who said he was targeted by the government, was headed by the authorities for the authority to work with the rebel group. He said he fled after burning his house, his father and his brother were killed and the police will be with him.

“I was not a person who wanted to avoid my country,” he said. “I had a restaurant and I had a good life.”

“We are human, but we have no place to live,” he said.

Some of those and other migrants, relatives wanted to be frightened for the safety of relatives, not to be determined by their full names.

Most of the migrants have been detained for about two weeks in prison by the Mexico-US border earlier this year, and then participate in US officials and put it in an unknown place. Some said they started from California from Texas; Most they never gave a chance to ask for asylum.

A 19-year-old woman from Afghanistan said that US officials have allowed the parents and five young brothers to pass the United States. Like the only sister 18 years and older, they left them, caught and flew to Panama, he said.

Some said they owe hundreds or thousands of dollars to people who help them finance their journeys.

“I return to Ethiopia without money,” said Simegnat, “They would kill me.”

Panama gave 30-day permits that allow them to be in the country and have a 30-day permission to choose from to 90 days.

Although Panama had a shelter program, migrants received mixed messages in the country that they have received mixed messages on the possibility of adoption of long-term legal protection.

Another option is to find another country that individuals will take them. However, this would require a deprived of the work, Silvia Serna, a lawyer that is part of the team The claim filed Panama’s hotel and the arrest of migrants in the border camp.

Ms. Serna said he gave an interview to migrants to see what the team could offer, but warned that people could be very difficult to find hospitable countries.

In the interviews, they plan to return around three of Iran’s deportation and return to the United States and talked to a smuggler. He had already gone to the fourth US border.

One, 24-year-old, open gay people identified himself as a gay woman from Iran, facing government persecution. “If I don’t at least leave,” I said, “I will be in the American’s custody camp and in the American land.”

The smuggling was $ 5,000 in price in Tijuana to provide a US-Mexico border and $ 8,000, a visa and put it on a plane to Canada.

So far, most of the group reviews a school gymnasium in Panama City by two Christian philanthropies. Migrants lying in thin mattresses and eating plastic bubbles. A group of them, this last week, went to the door of the door in various embassies, but he said he was rejected.

Elías Cornejo, who worked with one of the aid groups, Fe Y Alegria, was not opened in criticism of the new US management.

“We think that the policies of the Trump administration are part of a car grinding machine like meat,” he said. “And this is clearly a serious problem of humanity.”

A small group of deportants, mostly families with children remain in a hotel in Panama paid by UNICEF. Among them, Muhammad and Mona, a Christian Christian, Mona, Mona. On one night, the 8-year-old son, both parents leaned on him.

“He does not go to school and the life was repeated for him,” he said.

The couple were thinking illegally re-entered to the United States, and as a result, they decided that they could not put their children more. They are hoping for a lawyer about Mrs. Serna team Trump can convince the management to include as Christians followed.

If this does not work, Muhammad said: “He was thinking of staying in the Panama and was already looking for a job.

Recently, it is not far from the hotel, 27, another Iranian Christian, entered a white church in a Pew and knelt. Ms. Ghasemzade The leader has been something After placing a video after detrating from prison at Panama City Hotel, he argued with the world to help.

He said that a priest, in the northern group of migrants in the northern city of Panama, will be able to stay in the country. There are kitchens in houses and would not have any curfew. Was deprived of the proposal.

“I don’t know what will happen next,” said Ghasemzadeh. “I don’t know my next step. At the hands of God now.”

Contributed by reporting Alex E. Hernández From Panama City, Vancouver, British Columbia and New York Times correspondent from the British Columbia and New York Times Ruhullah Khapalwak.

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