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My 2 favorite shares right now

Since the beginning of 2023, the Wall Street is a great story technology. The boring consumer staple sector has moved further in both the technological sector and expanding S & P 500 index (SNPINDEX: ^ GSPC) over the past three or five years. Since the beginning of 2024, Wall Street was a change in the mood, investors towards boring, conservative investment choices. This increased consumer stages on the board.

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However, there are still two dividends who follow their peers and potentially offer long-term dividend investors.

Technology shares are the growing story at the moment with a hot topic artificial intelligence (Ai). All are good and good, but hot investments generally cause an extended assessment. When investors are careful, these assessments can squeeze quite quickly. This is a dragging dragging in the technology sector, which occurs during the past month or S & P 500 index down.

In such periods, investors often move towards more conservative investments in the consumer staple sector. Consumer staples are mainly the products that people have regularly taken, despite the decline of the economy. Imagine toilet paper, toothpaste and eat. If you are able to buy AppleNext iPhone but you can’t stop buying Procter & GambleBathroom texture, Unilevertoothpaste, or Total mills‘soups and cereals.

Basically, the consumer staple sector is full of reliable and slow growing companies. Two are the two kings of dividend Pepsico (NASDAQ: PEP) and Hormel foods (NYSE: HRL). Both were delayed behind a wider consumer staple space, and today offers high dividend productivity.

There is nothing wrong with Pepsico from a business prospect. In 2024, organic sales were able to grow 2% and the earned earnings increased by 9%. These are strong numbers in the consumer space space. Looking at 2025, management projects grow a low-digit organic sales growth and average digital earnings growth, as well as solid numbers.

However, after 2024 and 2025, the inflation from the worst parts of the coronavirus pandemic is more slowly than the growing prices after the increase in Pepsico after a great price increase. The slowdown has refused shares of the company, which is still the latest peak from the last summit. It also offers a 3.5% dividend product.

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