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Netflix Games loses its vice-president of generative AI

Five months after Netflix games, he said that in the game development studios, the vice-president, who is responsible for this technology of the AI, given, gave, Verdu’un Netflix Games (Stephen Totilo’s game file was confirmed) Generative AI shows that the hugs of the game as a tent of the development can be ahead of time.

When the verdue was first declared to his role, the enthusiasm for the role could not sound more. In the post of a LinkedinGive, took a futurist courtesy about technology and its benefits in the development of the game.

“Genay is the next problem,” he said. “I do not think that since this industry, since the 90s, we have seen a few months in this industry, and the creators of the future are an incredible time to prepare the game as it seems all of our future. Surprises of unlimited potential and innovati the rapid pace resulting in. “

Although the article is heavy on the excitement for the potential of the Generative EU, it was a light in detail. Give could not accurately express the technology that he expected to help the development of the program – especially in light big floor – And it seems that it does not improve much in the last five months. Verda wrote the game initiative in Netflix as a whole, so the sudden departure leaves a large hole in the game work ‘forward speed.

It is not completely clear what this generative AI initiative he gives now. Netflix, a replacement or successor for the position of Verdu, the attempt to make a larger focus within Netflix games did not declare a place that has not been the largest priority.

According to Netflix, the largest game driver for the app is designed by Grand Theft Auto, Netflix games, but developed by Rockstar. More Netflix’s benefit, Squid Game: Unleashed, ranked in the top ten of the most downloaded app store in 107 countries.

Said, The company also described These games affect the subscriber to be “relatively small”.

All this intersects a road in intersections at the initiative of Netflix: either conducts original headlines or licensed works for a smaller investment with the general Netflix subscriber numbers. If they choose the former path, the company explicitly lost his pleasure for the original advanced content, so the generative AI is very attractive. However, such a pivot can take a lot of time and expenses to get the ball rolling, which does not take much headlines in the role in a short time.

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